The Paducah Sun
Vol. XVII, No. 312Dec. 30, 1905
Was Destroyed At Mayfield - Worth
Perhaps $1,000
After working for many years to realize his highest ambition Mr. Tim Reeves was so unfortunate as to have his efforts wafted to destruction and looks on his labors as "all work for nothing" says the Mayfield Messenger.
Mr. Reeves a few years ago, after laboring since his early childhood days, perfected what he termed a "Celestial Harp," an instrument that was composed of most all instruments in existence. He could play all of them at one time and is perhaps the only one of its kind in the world. Mr. Reeves is a musical genius and he says that he valued his harp by the labor alone it took to make it at $1,000. He is greatly humiliated over it being so badly demolished, which he says was done by some one at his home while he was absent. A fine triangle was also damaged by the same party. Mr. Reeves said the harp had been finished four years and just now getting old enough to have the proper tone.