DNA Group 14 - Home Page
The Current Story for Group 14
Both of the participants in DNA Group 14 are documented as descendants of George Reeves, Sr. of Grayson County, Virginia; however, their results do not match that of three other descendants of that family who are found in DNA Group 6A.In the past it had been believed that this family was descended from George the son of Thomas Reeves, Sr., grandson of Henry Reeves of Essex County, Virginia. That George Reeves was incorrectly believed to be George Reeves of Grayson County, Virginia. The DNA of members of Group 14 does not match descendants of George Reeves of Grayson County as found in DNA Group 6A, nor does it match the DNA of members of DNA Group 9 who have documented lineages to Henry Reeves, Sr. of 17th century Essex County, Virginia.
Research of the Y-DNA matches for members of this group will undoubtedly yield insight into the correct lineage and resolve this enigma.