Reeves DNA Project Update - 3q2017

DNA Project News - 2017 3q

Reeves Y-DNA Project Updates - 3q 2017

We've seen a slight up tick in activity during the third quarter of 2017. At the end of September the project had 266 members, up from 257 at the end of June.

In July we welcomed two new members to the project; Henry Q Reeves and Deborah Terry-Hays. The month of August was both busier and quieter, all at the same time. It was busier in that we saw six expressions of interest, but sadly only one individual went on to complete their membership; Shavon Simpson. During September we've seen nine requests for membership, with seven people so far activating their membership; Rebecca Burnam, Kathleen Murray, Jim Welsh, Cindy Klippenburg, Keith Reeves, Suzanne Craddock-Bennet and "HR".

[Those of you worried about my ability to do simple sums should also note we had one member leave the group in August. So 257 + (2+1+7) - 1 does equal 266.]

The Y-DNA results for Jim Welsh were added to the ungrouped pool during the quarter. Jim matches 36/37 an individual with the surname Reeves, but that individual is currently not a member of our project.

The DNA Group 10 pages within The Reeves Project have benefited from a significant spring clean during the past weeks. We would welcome support from members of other DNA Groups to enhance the coverage of their families.
Contributors to this page: MartinB. .
Page last modified on Monday 02 of October, 2017 13:23:17 CDT by MartinB..