Line 165388 of Timothy O Reaves - DNA Group 18

Line 165388 of Timothy O Reaves

Line_165388 of Timothy O Reaves

DNA Group 18
Reaves, John			        (c1745 TN - 1803 TN)
   Reaves, William			(c1765 TN - c1812 TN)
      Reaves, Samuel			(1787 TN - 1850 TN)
         Reaves, James			(1810 TN - 1852 TN)
            Reaves, George W		(1846 TN - 1928 TN)
               Reaves, Oscar M Sr	(1875 TN - 1930 TN)
                  Reaves, Oscar M	(1917 TN - 2002 CT)
                     Reaves, Timothy Oscar


Reeves Family Lines at Rootsweb. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~reevesdna/family_lines.htm Accessed 2 July 2016