Reeves Review - George Rives, Page 12, ID 33

George Rives, Page 12, ID 33

Errors of The Reeves Review II

George Rives

Page 12, ID 33
See - http://www.joesue.com/Books/RRII/R0013.htm Link Broken

The lineage listed as (John, William, Timothy, Richard, John, Robert) is completely incorrect.

See errors noted for John Rives, Page 8, ID 17, who was not his father.

The George Reeves of this entry is not related to the Rives family of Surry/Sussex who are documented in DNA Group 8 of the Reeves DNA Project. A descendant of George Reeves and Ann Doggett through their son Benjamin's son Austin Smith Reeves has participated in the Reeves DNA Project and placed in DNA Group 10.

His name is found in court documents as both Reeve and Reeves, but not Rives.

George Reeves' first land grant from Lord Fairfax was received in 1726, while he was residing in Northumberland County, but the grant was in Stafford County.

His wife Ann was a granddaughter, not daughter of Rev. Benjamin Doggett, who was minister of Trinity Parish (Christ Church and St. Mary's White Chapel) in Lancaster County, not St. Stephen's Parish.

George Reeves' deed of gift to his children did not include gifts to his sons Thomas (73.i) or George (75.iii). The deed of gift mentions only Benjamin, John, Moses, Asa, and Elizabeth.

There is no evidence that the son George (75.iii) lived to adulthood, nor that he married and had a wife Mary Epps?. His only mention is as a tithable in his father's household in Dettingen Parish, Prince William County VA in 1747.

The son John (76.iv) lived to adulthood, was listed on the rent rolls for the Fairfax Proprietary in Prince William County in 1753-4 and 1754-5 and did not die young as stated in Reeves Review.

The birth date of son Asa (78.vi) has not been established.

Contributors to this page: Beverly and system .
Page last modified on Friday 11 of May, 2018 08:01:36 CDT by Beverly.