Reeves Review - John Rives, Page 12, ID 34

John Rives, Page 12, ID 34

Errors of The Reeves Review II

John Rives

Page 12, ID 34
See - http://www.joesue.com/Books/RRII/R0013.htm Link Broken

The lineage listed as (John, William, Timothy, Richard, John, Robert) is completely incorrect.

See errors noted for John Rives, Page 8, ID 17, who was not his father.

The John Rives Reeves of this entry is not related to the Rives family of Surry/Sussex who are documented in DNA Group 8 of the Reeves DNA Project. A descendant of John Reeves through his son George has participated in the Reeves DNA Project and placed in DNA Group 10.

Birth was ~1713. This John is not known to have lived in Northumberland County; the John Reeves of Northumberland County was a different person, the son of Robert Reeves, and lived in Northumberland County when this John Reeves is known to have been living in Stafford/Prince William counties.

The children listed as ID 80.i, 81.ii, and 82.iii were probably children of the other John Reeves; all were listed in the St. Stephen's Parish register in Northumberland County. Although this John Reeves had a daughter Ann, her year and place of birth are unknown. The child listed as ID 84.v was probably not John Reeves' son; an Isaac Reeves was mentioned in John Reeves' will, but his relationship to John was not specified.

(Information furnished by Lois Downey.)
Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Friday 11 of May, 2018 08:02:18 CDT by Beverly.