Reeves, David
Birth: c1795, North Carolina
Birth Source: Census
Death Source:
Spouse1: Mary
Children of David Reeves and Mary:There are no children listed with them in 1850. In 1860 there is a Margarett Reeves, b. c1838 in the household. Just next door there is R. W. Reeves (b. c1822), his wife Harriett, and their kids. Both were born in North Carolina. In 1880, David is listed in the household of Harriet Reeves as "step-father" (apparently actually father-in-law).
Research Notes
1840 Census: Lowndes County, Alabama1850 Census: Lowndes County, Alabama (David Rives)
1860 Census: Lowndes County, Alabama
1880 Census: Lowndes County, Alabama