Reeves, Spencer, Jr.
Birth Source:
Death Source:
The individual represented by this page did not exist. It is now accepted that the detail above results from a mis-understanding of individuals named in various historical documents concerning this family.
The extensive probate records recorded in Volumes C, D, G and H of the Fleming County Will Records appear to pertain to Spencer Reeves, born 1765, and numerous Reeves' individuals believed to be his children are mentioned in these documents, i.e. George, Noah, Elijah, Thomas D., etc. However, the documents recorded in October 1823 pertaining to the estate sale of Spencer Reeves name the widow as Polly (Mary) Reeves which suggests that this might be a Spencer Reeves Jr. who was believed to be the person who married Mary Spencer on 28 May 1811. There are several minor children for whom a guardian was appointed which also suggests that this may be the date of death of Spencer Reeves, Jr.
In an 1830 settlement by Noah Reeves for his guardianship of Spencer Reeves' minor heirs Susannah and Martha, no other children are mentioned (Vol. D:92). Yet a later probate record of 27 Aug 1848 pertaining to the estate of Noah Reeves, son of Spencer Reeves, makes mention of Noah Reeves' guardianship of Silas Reeves, infant of Spencer Reeves, deceased.
It is extremely unlikely that these children born in the early 1820's could have been Susannah Reeves' children since she would have been around age 50 at the time they were born. Bearing children at such an age is not impossible, but certainly unlikely. If Susannah was not mentioned in the 1819 will of her father, Asa Reeves, the most likely explanation would be that Susannah was deceased by 1811 and it was Spencer Reeves, born 1765, who married Mary Spencer in 1811.