We're Back
We progressively started to re-open the site from 18 October. It's pleasing to be able to report that all the previously active community members except one have accessed the TW since it was re-opened to them.I'm grateful for the effort various people have expended in repairing some of the content hiccups that occurred. And a big "Thank you" to Richard who has reposted his chronology files to the VA counties which we were unable to recover when the TW was re-incarnated.
A couple of the issues still remain, but they are not impacting us in our day to day usage of the TW. Barry & I continue to work to resolve them, as time permits.
Wiki Stats - End October 2010
In spite of there being only the latter half the month when the TW was usable, we continue to grow. The total number of pages in the Wiki (as at 1 Nov 2010) has grown to 1683 (previously 1457, 1355, 893), a staggering increase, given the circumstances, of 226 pages. Of these 577 pages (was 520, 508, 404) begin with the letter R and are probably related to a R*v*s individual and 197 pages (192,179,126) begin with a number, so are probably a date related gleaning.It may have escaped your notice, but we now have personal pages for three Reeves individuals with strong connections to the British Raj in India (before partitioning). I've been using British Army Lists as a source and have added these currently stray individuals. They will belong to somebody's family! Use "India" as a search keyword to find them.
DNA Groups
One of the key admin tasks I set myself for September and had to carry forward into October was to offer a consistent frame work for the DNA Groups and yet provide the individual group co-ordinators with some flexibility. With much valued assistance, I think that's been accomplished. I've created DNA_Group_99 which will serve as the model for all the groups.I'm grateful to Richard DNA_Group_03, Beverly DNA_Group_06 and Carolyn DNA_Group_08 who have agreed to be the trail blazing Group Co-ordinators within the TRP without having seen a job description!