News - 25 March 2011

Countdown to Launch resumed - 3, 2

Counting Down to Launch

Of those expressing a preference, the community desire was for the content of Wiki pages to be generally accessible to non-registered users, so I've started making the necessary changes prior to launching The Reeves Project.

There a number of changes and general tidying up that needs to be done over the coming days. This morning I've added the tree logo kindly provided by Cherie to the masthead and "The Reeves Project" is now words rather than the image file previously used.

I've also changed the site Home Page location to http://thereevesproject.org/data/TRP_Home

If you have a browser book mark for TRP pointing to http://thereevesproject.org/data/HOMEPAGE, you need to change it. Whilst it will continue to work for a little while longer, you're not now seeing the latest version of our home page. The best browser book mark for TRP will be simply http://thereevesproject.org

This version of the home page is temporary. When we formally launch its content (but NOT the location) will change to look like

The other two pages aimed at anonymous users are

Remember the first two of these pages looks different to anonymous users; you'll need to look at the links when you're not logged in to see their other personas.

I'll be deleting many of the working pages in the ZZZ-TRP-11* series over the coming days. They have served their purpose. Thank you for your support.

There is a new FAQ_For_Our_Eyes_Only which describes how to make Wiki pages or parts of Wiki pages only available to community members. Please find a moment to review it and let me know if you have any queries or suggestions.

There are also various other changes to make before we're fully ready to come out of stealth mode, which we'll do progressively. The first public appearance of TRP will be relatively low key within the pages of the Reeves Registry and I'm hoping to be ready for this in the first few days of April. I'll be working with Barry on this and it will help us resolve any remaining issues as a few new users hopefully apply to join us.

Contributors to this page: @MartinB , MartinB. and system .
Page last modified on Friday 01 of April, 2011 03:23:58 CDT by @MartinB.