
June 2018

Wiki Stats - End May 2018

The total number of pages in the Wiki (as at 1 June 2018) was 7449 (previously 7306, 7238, 7179) an increase of 143 pages during the month. Of the total, 1520 pages (was 1505, 1471, 1442) begin with a number and are most probably a date related gleaning. We currently have 3112 wiki pages categorised as "People", of which 2680 begin with the letter "R". .
Community members should log in to see more.

TRP Users

We ended March 2018 with 323 user accounts registered in TRP, an increase of nine, with two new members successfully activating their account during the month. We welcome new community members Gladys and Lloydina and we look forward to reading their contributions to TRP. Lloydina is off to a great start having already created her AboutMe page as described here. (We also activated two test accounts to help us better understand the current difficulties with the enrolment process.)

Whilst we made some changes to the new user enrolment process during the month which we think has improved things, its still not working as smoothly as we'd like. However, we really need feed back from those who are currently trying to register to know what's holding you back and therefore what we need to fix next. Please contact New User Admin via TRP123 (at) TheReevesProject (dot) org if you're stuck and need help.
Contributors to this page: @MartinB .
Page last modified on Friday 01 of June, 2018 04:40:12 CDT by @MartinB.