
Amelia Co., VA - Reeves Chronology



This chronology was compiled over a period of many years from visits to numerous libraries across the United States, online sources, commercial publications, and original records. The goal is to collect in one place as much information as possible about the "Reeves" family and all variants of that name with the hope of linking the diverse branches of the family.
Users of this information are cautioned that much of this information was taken from extracts. No doubt users will find that this compiler made mistakes, just as mistakes and conflicting transcriptions have been found among some of the published sources. And, of course, this project suffers from the recurring problem of original records lost due to courthouse fires, poor recordkeeping, and many other genealogical catastrophes. Notwithstanding these issues, the information herein serves as pointers to more detailed research undertakings.

Historical Summary of Amelia County

Amelia was created from Prince George and Brunswick Counties in legislative acts of 1734 and 1735. Raleigh Parish was established the next year.
Prince Edward County was formed from Amelia in 1754. Prince Edward contributed to Appomattox County in 1845.
Formerly known as Nottoway Parish of Amelia County, Nottoway County was carved from Amelia County in 1788. Nottoway Parish had been originally part of Raleigh Parish.


William Rives and Benjamin Rives were granted 500 acres on the lower side of Lazaretta Fork of Little Nottaway River, Amelia County, January 10, 1735.
William Starke, Gentleman, received a patent for land on the head branch of Deep Creek, bounded by Christopher Roberson, Chrles Irby, William & Benjamin Rives, Amelia County, September 8, 1736.

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