1541 Will - William Reve


1541 Will - William Reve


Dated: 17 Jun 1541, Fyfield, Essex
Probated: Archdeaconry of Essex, Date Unknown


In the Name of god Amen In the yere of oure lorde god Ml ccccc x... the xviith Daye of June I Willm Reve of the pyshe of Ffyfed beyng seke? but beyng hole of mynde thankyes be god make & ordeyne thys my testamet & laste wyll in maner & forme foloyng Fyrste I bequeathe my soule to god my maker & Redemer to oure lady Saynt Mary & to all the copeny of hevyn my bodye to be buryed in the chyrche yarde of Fyfeld aforesayd It. I geve unto the hyghe aulter thes? for my tythes forgotte & neglegetly wholden alambe Also I bequeathe unto Johan my wyffe my copyelands sett & lyeng in Fyfeld aforesayd calyd bye calfe? a nother pcell of lands callyd ?chasehope duryng here naturall lyffe also I wyll that Johan my wyffe shall have my tenement callyd ajamynge wt there lands and my tente callyd covenent? wt all the lands belongyng unto them (bothe free & copy) untyll my sone come to lawfull aege to kepe my chylderin w all It. I wyll that an honest? prof?? shall fying a ?all for my soule & all ayften sowhys? in the chyrche of Fyfeld aforesayd he to have for hys labor &c. It I wyll that Wyllm Stratton & Johan Gower that eche of them to have a lambe the resydewe of my goods not bequeathed I geve unto Johan my wyffe to see myne exeyet? done to paye my detts to kepe my chylderine & to betsowe for ? helthe of my soule whome I order & make myne executryes soole? alone & gylbert chyrche to be supvysor & he to have for hys payne takyng in & my? thes wyttnessythe bye ... Gylbert Chyrche Wyllm Chyrche & Thoms Gyggewother?


Essex Archives - D/AEW 2/42