1587 Will - John Ryves


1587 Will - John Ryves


Dated: 16 Apr 1587, Damory Court near Blandford, Dorset
Probated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 18 May 1587
Recorded: Piece 70 (Spencer), folio 175 reverse


In the name of god amen. The sixeteeneth daie of Aprill in the nine and twentithe yeare of the raigne of our right dreade soveraigne ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god of England France and Ireland Queene Defender of the faithe etc I John Ryves of Dammarie courte withein the parishe of Blanford for in the countie of Dorset esquire callinge to minde the instabilitie of mans life, and ? a mindinge to bestowe set in order and dispose my self towards allmightie god, and my goodes land & chattells towards the worlde, whereas by hys bountifull grace and goodnes I recomed the same by theirs presentes make pronounce and declare this my laste will and testamente in manner and forme followinge. That is to saie first I recommende my soule to the handes of allmightie god beseechinge him of his infinite mercey and for the meritts and passion of his deare sonne Jesus Christe our lord and saviour to receive the same unto the everlastinge fellowshippe of his blessed spirites whensoever it shall please his eternitie to deprive my wretched bodie from this transitorie life and my bodie to be buried at the discretion of my executor and overseers.
Imprimis I give bequethe and assigne to Elizabeth Rives my welbeloved wife the rectorie and parsonadge of Litton in the countie of Dorset with all and singular the proffittes and commodities to the same belonginge for and duringe the terme of fortie yeares of the the said Elizabethe solonge happen to live for and in the name and full recompence of her ??cture she yeldinge such rentes and performinge the covenantes and conditions specified and conteyned in lease thereof made by one Tarleton sometimes parson of the said parsonage of Litton, and confirmed by the patrone and ordinarie for the time then beinge, as in and by the said lease it maie more ?ntelie appeare more I give and bequeathe to my saide wief sixe quarters of wheate and twelve quarters of malte with all my househould stuffe and plate nowe beinge at Litton exceptinge one dozen of silver spones she makinge her choice More I give and bequeathe to my said wief sixe of my beste kyne, and sixe of my beste oxen and sheto chuse them More I give and bequeathe to my said wief one hundred and fortie ?weathers? beinge at Litton if there be not so manie there, my will and meaninge is that mie sonne John Rives shall make uppe the nomber More I give and bequeathe my saide wief my ridinge geldinge, my sorrell geldinge, one blacke trottinge nagge with all other my horse beastes ?gomge? at Litton in a grounde there called Looke.
Item I give and bequeathe to everie of my sonnes, viz, George, Charles, Henrye, James, William, Valentine, and Thomas one hundreth poundes of lawfull money of England.
Item I give and bequeathe to my daughter Luce two hundred poundes of lawfull money of England all which sommes of money my will and meaninge is shall be paid out of my lease of Felton? which I have made over of truste unto my brother Martholomewe Man with others and also oute of my Stockes of Dammarie, my lease of Duishe, and my granndge of Plushe and my will and meaninge is that if my sonne John Rives do not withein three monethes nexte after mie decease put in sufficiente bonde with sufficiente sucreties unto my overseers viz Roger Hill, Richard Swaine, John Pitte Senior my brothers Bartholomewe Man and Edward Man to paie unto my sonne George Ryves and Henrye Ryves to everie of them thare legacie of one hundred poundes within twelve monethes nexte after my decease and to paie all the reste of mie legacies within fower yeares nexte after my decease and in the mane time he my saide sonne John Rives to be at the charges to finde my said children then my will and meaninge is that they my said overseers shall sell the said lease of heathfelton, my stockes at Damarye, my lease of Dulishe, and my granndge of Plushe for the paimente of all my legacies and the over plus to remaine to my sonne John Ryves and further my will and meaninge is that the said legacies before given to my said sonnes shalbe by the order and appointmente of my executor and overseers imploied for the moste benefite and behoof of my said sonnes untill such time as they shall attaine to the full age of one and twentie yeares and my daughter Luce her portion to be likewise imployed by them untill she shall attaine to the full age of sixeteene yeares provided allwaies that yf anie of my sonnes do die before they accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeares that then his or theire porcion so dyinge shall be equallie devided amonngeste those of my sonnes which shall be then lyvinge John Ryves onelie excepted and if it fortune my daughter Luce to die before she accomplishe the age of sixeteene yeares then my will and meaninge is that her porcion shall remaine to my sonne John Ryves.
Item I give and bequeathe to everie of my servannts both men and maides John Barnard and Ellys Churchhill onelie excepted one quarters wages to be paide them at the nexte quarter daie after my decease over and above theire wages then due.
Item I do requeste my cosons Roger Hyll Richard Swayne, John Pitte Senior and my brothers Bartholomewe Man and Edward Man to be my overseers and that they will do what in them lyethe to soe this my laste will and testament to be dewlie performed accordinge to my true meaninge. All the reste of my goodes whatsoever not bequeathed I give and bequeathe to my sonne John Ryves whom I make and ordaine my whole executor and he to see all my debtes and legacies paide, and this my last will and testamente to be perfourmed accordinge to my true intente and meaninge. In witness that this is my last will and testament I have hereunto sette my hande and seale the daie and yeare before written in the presences of those whose names are here under written.
John Rives

William Hyll Ellis Churchill Roberte Reve John Barnarde


England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 (Ancestry)