1597 Will - William Reve
Dated: ? ? 1597, Blackmore, EssexProbated: Archdeaconry of Essex, 2 Aug 1597
In the name of god Amen I William Reve of Blackmore in the countie of Essex yeoman beinge sicke of boddy but holle of mind & in good pfect memory thankes be to allmitie god do make this my last will & testament in manor and forme followingFirst I bequeath my soule to the allmytie god my saver & Redemer & my boddy to be burried in the parishe church of Blackmore aforesaid
Itm I give to Richarde brille? the houses which he now liveth for the terme of thre yeres ? michlellmas next and after them yeres ended I will that John Reve shall have the ? of ? his life and the ? at the wantes? and after his diceces? I will that William Pallding shall have the haveds to him & his ayeres for ever and I will that after the decease of John Reve I will that William Reve shall have the picell? at the wantes? to him & to his ayeres forever
Itm I give to Thomas Spalding? William Spallding? John Spalding? and Sarah Spalding children to William Spallding xxv a peece to be paide to them within one yere after my deces allso I give to Marey Spalding Elizabeth Spalding & to Frances Spalding children to William Spaldinge xv a peice to be payd to them presentlye after my deces
Itm I geve to the pore of Blackmoe xlv to be given at the discresaon of my executores
Itm I gave to evereye one of my god children xiiv a pece
Itm I give to Nicklas Reve to shepe worth xiii iiii
Itm I geve to ? one of my...
Itm I give to William Paveall? my son in law xll? to be payed him one yere after my deseace
Itm I geve to Mareye Reve my wife the house and comodetis of the house and lands where on ? now dwelse in Blackmore for terme of her life allso I give unto her x beeds? xx shepe and ten qaurters of wheat? and five quarters of ? and ?... and xth gd lawfull money of Ingland
Itm I geve to John Bufll? of myche baddow xv?
Itm I give to Chistian? Reve widdowe one shepe ...
.... all the resedew of my goodes ubequeaved I geve to William Spalding my son in law whome I make my sole executor to paye my debts and legaces and to ? funerall and I apoynte John ? the younger of Blackmore my overseer and I geve him for his paynes ... in witnes whereof I have sett to my hand & selle the xiith? day of ? in the xxxixth yere of the reigne of ouer sovraign ladie Quene Elizabeth 1597
Selled & delivered int the presences
John ? ?
Thomas Reve
Thomas Bureles