1608 Will - William Rives


1608 Will - William Rives


Dated: 15 Jun 1608, Sherborne, Dorset
Probated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 26 Nov 1608
Recorded: Piece 112 (Windebanck), folio 297 reverse


In the name of God Amen: The fifteenthe daie of June in the yeare of oure Lorde God one thousande suxe hundred and eighte and in the yeares of the Raigne of oure sovereigne Lorde James by the grace of god kinge of Englande frannce and Ireland defendr of the faithe &c I William Rives the elder of Sherborne in the Countie of dorstt husbandman beinge sicke of bodye but of good and perfect memorie thanks be to god doe ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge that is to saie firste I give & bequeathe my sowle into the handes of allmightie god my crator Redeemer and Sawioure and my bodye to Christian buriall.
Item I geve to my sonne John Ryves tenne poundes to be payed at his daie of marriage.
Item I give to my daughter Anne Ryves tenn pounde to be likewise payde unto her at her daie of marriadge and yf they or either of them happen to dye before theire marriadge then my will is their porcons to be devided equallie amongest the rest of my children.
Item I give to Thomas Lambert and John Lambert sonnes of John Lambert my sonne in lawe thirtie three shillings fower pense a peece to be payde at their dayes of marriadge and yf they or either of them happen to dye before theire marriadges then their portions remaine to the rest of my said sonne in lawe John Lamberts children.
Item I geve my sonnes William Rives Raynold Ryves and Robert Ryves tenne shillings a peece.
Item I geve to John Lambert my sonne in lawe and to Joane his wief my daughter tenn shillings a peece.
Item I give to Alice Rives and Wenefride Rives my daughters in lawe tenne shillings a peece.
Item I geve to William Rives sonne of my sonne Raynold Ryves twenty shillings to be ymployed for the benefitt of the said William Ryves untill he shall accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeares and to be delivered by my executor wthin one yeare after my decease and the assurance there of from tyme to tyme to be taken by my executor untill the sayde William Ryves shalbe of age to have it in his owne custodye And yf the saide William happen to due before he come to the age of one and twentie yeares that then the saide monie to remayne to the next of my sonne Raynolds children.
The residue of all my goodes and chattells movealbe and unmoveable I geve and bequeathe unto Marie my wieff whome I make my sole executrix of this my saide will and testament Alsoe I intruste and appointe my loveinge friends John Wing?ell and Roger Mansfield to be ..... of this my will and testament witnesses hereunto John Hacobb Christopher White


England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 (Ancestry)