1613 Will - Dr. George Ryves


1613 Will - Dr. George Ryves


Dated: 14 Apr 1613, Oxford, St. Aldate, Oxfordshire
Probated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 22 Jun 1613
Recorded: Piece 122 (Capell), folio 3


In nomine dei amen I George Rives Doctor of Divinity and warden of Saint Mary Colledge of Winchester in Oxford beyng of good and perfect memory the fourteenth daye of Aprill in the yere of oure Lord his incarnation one thousand sixe hundred and thirteene do make this my last will and testament for the disposing of all suche worldly goods as god of his goodness hath bestowed uppon me his unworthie servannte in manner and forme folowinge
Imprimis with infinite thankes unto Almightie god for the manifolde benefitte that he hath bestowed uppon me and namely for that he hath called me to the knowledge of hym selfe and of his sonne Jesus Christe by the reading and hearing of his holie word I do recommend my soule into his handes with full assurance that he will mercifullie receive the same and make yt partaker of those unspeakeable joyes that he hath prepared for his chosen in the kingdome of heaven.
Item I desire to have my bodye buryed (yf yt maye be done conveniently with leave of them to whome yt apperteyneth to grannte the same and without the offence of the felowes of my owne Colledge in the canncel of Saint Maryes Church in Oxford neere unto the place where the bodye of my wellbeloved mother was buryed. Or yf that may not be done with conveniencye and the good liking of all parties then my will is that yt shalbe buryed wheresoever yt shall seeme good unto my executor.
Item I give and bequeathe unto Sainct Marye Colledge of Winchester in Oxford twentie and fyve poundes of lawfull English money to be bestowed in a peece of guilt plate having my Armes engraven in yt, and allso this saying of the Scripture Salem habete in vobis et pacem inter vos. Allso my will ys that at fower severall tymes in the yere when the warden for the tyme beyng shall dyne in the greate hall of the sayed colledge and cheifely yf he be there present on twelfe Daye, on Candlemas Daye in the feaste Daye of Thannunciacon of ye blessed virgin Mary and on whitsonday the steward for the tyme beyng after that he hath made an end of serving the hall shall fill the saved amlt? boll with sacke and suger and standing before the warden shall begynne unto hym thereof saying with a loude voyce Domine Custos prssino tibi et omnibus huius collegii sociis pacem et falicitatem which beyng done my Request is that the warden shall receyve the same at the stewards handes and after that he and those that sitt with hym at the same messe shall raise the same Bowle to replenished with wyne of the same sorte and so delivered yt unto the Subwarden whoe shall likewise when he and his company hath druncke thereof serve yt unto the deanes and the deanes unto the masters of Artes and they unto the Bachelers of Lawe and they unto the Civilians and the Civilians unto the felowes in arts. And that this may be done without chardge unto the Colledge I give and bequeathe unto the Colledge fortie shillings yearlie to be payed unto the Bursars thereof yssuing out of my lands which I lately purchased of Mr George Owen of Godston commonly called and knowne by the name of Hawkewell peece and charwell Leses. And my will is that my exeutor shall assure the sayed fortie shillinges unto the sayed colledge within twelve monethes after my deathe in suche sorte as the councell of the sayed colledge shall devise without further delaye: Provided that yf the order before taken be neglected or not dulie put in execution in manner and forme aforesayed that then the peece of plate shall remayne unto the colledge but the Annuitie shall cease and be extiinguished (any conveyance or assurance thereof notwithstanding as yf same had never ben grannted or made), Allso I give unto the sayed colledge of Sainct Mary of Winchester in Oxford one annuitye of Eighte poundes yssuing out of the sayed landes likewise to be assured unto yt in mannr and forme as is before mentioned And within twelve monethes after my deease which somme of eight pounds my will is that yt shalbe bestowed in manner and forme folowing that is to saye Every graduat beyng felowe of the sayed Colledge that in the Lent tyme shall dispute theire in one weeke publiquelye in the Schooles of the universitie of Oxford wth other proceeders then those of his owne house and thereof shall make faith unto the Bursar of the weeke shall in the end of that weeke receyve by the handes of the sayed Bursar twelve pence of the saied money. And every undergraduat beyng felowe that shall dispute thrice in one weeke as is before expressed shall uppon the like faithe made thereof receyve six pence of the saied money soe farre as yt will goe yf after Lent there be any of the saied money left then all and every felowe of the sayed house that shall dispute twice in one weeke in manner and forme as is before expressed shall uppon fauthe thereof made as is aforesayed receyve of the sayed Bursar of the weeke sixe pence toties gnotied soe farre as they saied somme of eighte powndes will stretche. But yf (which god forbid) that this my poore endevoure to incite the felowes of my colledge to excercise themselves for theire owne good and for the creditt of theire colledge in the publique schoole should not take effect according unto my good desire so that the somme of eight pounds by me given for thuse and purpose abovementioned should in whole or in parte be unbestowed in manner and forme aforesayed within the space of one yere. Then my will ys that for the first second and third yere in which for want of disputants the sayed somme of eight poundes in parte or in whole shalbe unbestowed the whole or that parte thereof which shalbe left shalbe estowed on the daye commonly called Ahs wednesdaye in almes at the colledge gate by the Bursar of that weeke whoe shall receyve thereof for his Laboure twoe shillinges yf there be so much left But yf it happen that for want of disputants the said somme of Eighte poundes be unbestowed in manner and forme as is before expressecd a fourth tyme then my will is that the saied annuitie of eight poundes shall cease and be extinguished and my executor and his executors for ever shalbe exonerated and discharged thereof as yf this my grannte thereof had never ben made (any assurances or conveyannce thereof to the contrary notwithstanding And that this my guifte may take the better effect I do hartely praye Mr Wardens my successors and all other officers of the sayed colledge for the tyme beyng to encourage the felowes and graduate to frequent the schooles and moreoner? do require them to make a true annswere unto my executor and to his heires for ever when and as often as they shall enquire of them wether my will be fullfilled in the bestowing of the fortie shillings and of eight poundes which I have given unto the colledge according to the true tenor of this my last will and testament Provided allwayes that yf the uses whereunto I have appoynted the tenne poundes which I have before given out of my landes shall not uppon better consideracon seeme convenient unto my executor and overseers then I will that any two of them whereof my executor to be one shall dispose thereof unto the use of the colledge as unto them shall seeme most expedient.
Item I give unto the saied Colledge all suche of my bookes in folio as ar not allreadye in the Colledge Librarye to be placed inthe sayed Librarie within one monethe after my deathe
Item I give unto every felowe and Chappelane of the saied Colledge fyve shillinges And to every scholler beying in the yeares of probation twoe shillinges And to every servannte and chorister of the saied Colledge twelve pence
Item I give unto the saied Colledge my twoe calberd which ar trymmed with velvet to be placed wth the rest of theire warrlike provision and my greate Curtayne of Arras which hangeth in the parloure of the wardens lodginge there to contynewe and the pictures of Christe carrying his Crosse and likewise the pictures of oure founder and of the fownder of Magdalen Colledge, to remayne still in the wardens gallerye.
Item I give unto the colledge of Sainct Mary of Wichester by winchester my silver Bason and Ewer to serve for the daylie use of the Subwarden of that howse.
Item I give towards the buylding of the newe schooles tenne poundes
Item I give unto my welbeloved brother Sr John Ryves my twoe greate guilt bolles which have my Armes uppon them which allso I do praye hym to leave unto his heire for ever to remayne unto hym and his heires and to be called by the name of the wardens bolles.
Item I give unto my Brother James Ryves one guilt bowle price tenne powndes.
Item I give unto my brother Doctor Thomas Ryves the somme of two hundred powndes of lawfull money of England and do soe give hym all suche money as he oweth me uppon bill or bond or otherwise or shall owe unto me at the tyme of my death.
Item by this my last will and testament I do ordayne that my executor shall paye yerelye unto my sister Luce Bellott during her husbands life the somme of tenne powndes And yf her sayed husband do dye before my sayed sister then my will is that the sayed annuitie shall cease and my executor shall deliver unto my sayed sister Bellott the somme of one hundred poundes within the space of twoe monethes after request made unto hym for the payment thereof But yf my sayed sister shall dye before her husband then my will is that the hundred powndes which should have come unto my sister Bellott shalbe devided betwene her twoe youngest daughters by even portions.
Item I give unto my nephue and gidsonne George Ryves the sonne of my brother William Ryves the somme of fiftie powndes
Item I give unto my nephue Rawleighe Bellott the somme of fiftie powndes which sayed somme of money my will is shall remayne with my executor for the best behoofe of the sayed Rawleighe Bellott untill he shall see where to bestowe yt finallye for his preferment which I would have done as speedily as maye be.
Item I give unto my sister Bellott her twoe youngest Daughters Elizabeth Bellott and Anne Bellott twentie powndes a peece besides that which may casuallye come unto them by vertue of my will as is formerlie expressed which money I will have to remayne with my brother William Ryves and by hym to be used to theire best behoofe untill they shalbe marryed or come unto the age of sixteene yeres.
Item I give unto my nephue Henry Salmon the somme of twentie powndes to be delivered unto hym within twelve monethes after my decease.
Item I give unto my neiphue William Salmon the somme of fortie powndes to be ymployed by my executor unto his best behoofe presentlie after the tyme of my death and to be delivered unto hym togeather with the whole profitts thereof within three monethes after the tyme of his apprenticeshipp is ended.
Item I give unto Brrne Ryves my kynnesman and the sonne of my uncle Thomas Ryves the somme of fortie powndes to be likewise ymployed by my sayed Brother and executor William Ryves for his best behoofe and to be delivered unto hym with the profits thereof (yf the sayed profitts be not in the meane tyme bestowed uppon hym for his mayntennce) when he cometh to the age of twentie years.
Item I give unto my cozen Timothie Ryves the sonne of my uncle Richard Ryves the somme of tenne powndes and a rynge with a deathes head peice fortye shillinges to weare for my sake.
Item I give unto my cosen Amy Ryves his sister fortie poundes to be Delivered unto her brother Timothie to use for her best behoofe but not to be delivered into her hands untill she be maryed. And this money to be payed unto Timothie Ryves within twelve moneths after my deathe.
Item I give unto my cosin Elizabeth Meggs sister unto the sayed Tymothie Ryves the somme of twentie markes to be payed within twelve monethes after my deathe.
Item I give unto my kynnesman and servannte John Vele one hundred powndes of good and lawfull english money. which clause of good and lawfull english money I would have and doe appoynte to be understood in all my legacyes before mentioned or which hereafter shalbe mentioned to be payed unto hym within three monethes after my decease. And I will that he have his dyett provided at the chardge of my executor untill the sayd hundred powndes be payed unto hym.
Item I give unto the sayed John Vele the choise of all my coltes which ar not yet backed to take any one of them which he liketh best unto hym selfe for ever.
Item I give unto the sayed John Vele all my Apparrell of what kynde or ? soever saving suche as I shall dispose of in my life tyme by will or deed of gifts.
Item I give unto the poore people of Alvessord in the Countie of Southampton tenne powndes to be distributed amongest them by the Bayliffe of the sayed towne for the tyme beynge.
Item I give unto the poore of Stanton Sainct Johns in the Countie of Oxford fyve powndes.
Item I give unto the poore of the univrsitye and citie of Oxford to be distributed amongest them on the Daye of my Burayll.
Item I give unto my nephue John Crookenowe fellowe of Sainct Marye Colledge of Winchester in Oxford fyve poundes in money and my greate Bible in folio.
Item I give unto my cosin Martha Beescon the somme of tenne powndes
Item I give unto Michael Terrey and William Charles and Ralph Porter fortie shillinges a peece to make ech of them a gould Rynge which I would have them weare for my sake.
Item I give unto James Quaterman my servannte sixe powndes thirteene shillinges fower pence.
Item I give unto Ral? Coxe my servant fyve powndes.
Item I give unto Henry Ludber my cooke and unto Thomas Symour my huntsman thirtie shillings a peece.
Item I give unto George Dew and unto John Langley the boye of my kitchen twentie shillings a peece.
Item I give unto Julian of the itchen tenne shillinges
Item I will that all my household servannts do receyve from my executor theire full quarters wages over and above my Legaceys bestowed uppon them viz thirteene shillings fower pence a peece and theire dyet or allowance for yt for the space of one weeke after my buryall. The rest of my goods not yet Disposed nor hereafter to be disposed in a Schedule annexed unto this my will I do give unto my welbeloved Brother Mr William Ryves Esquire dwelling in Canditche in the Suburbs of the Citie of Oxford whome I do by these presents make and constitute the sole executor of this my last will and testament And moreover I do ordayne that yf my moveable goods which I shall leave behinde me be not sufficient to paye all my debts and legaceys that then the overplus shalbe payed out of my Landes which I lately purchased of Mr George Owen of Godscon? in the Countie of Oxford Esquire viz Hawkewell peece, Charwell Lenses? consisting of fyve closes or more and my fishings in Charwell with all the meadowe grounds and hames? belonging thereunto which I have passed or any waies apperteyninge under my hand and seale in truste unto Mr Henry Bellingham and Mr Barnard Bager to the use of my sayed Brother William Ryves and his heires for ever but with proviso that my sayed Brother shall well and trulie satisfie and paye all suche sommes of money in manner and forme as by my last will I should appoynte to be payed. And because yt may be that my last will and testament beyng drawen wihtout the cowncell of any learned in the Lawes may be sundrie wayes ymperfect I do chardge and require my sayed brother as he will awnswere yt before god that he do forth fullie execute this my will according unto common confirmcion and as in a good playne honest meaninge my wordes may be thoughte best to expresse my intention And in witness that this ys my last will and testament I have hereunto set my hand and seale the daye and yere first above written.
George Ryves

I George Ryves do publishe and acknowledge this to be my true last will and testament and do appynt my well beloved friends Mr Henry Bellingham of the Citie of Chichester gent and Mr Barnard Bager of the universitie of Oxford one of the Esquire Beadles to be ovrseers of the same and do give unto eache of them a ring of fortie shillings to ware for my sake. published in the presence of Barnard Banger John Veel

Memorandum that I George Ryves do ad this codicill folowing to my last will and testament alreadye made and published as parte and parcell thereof viz that whereas I have in my sayed will given a certayne lagacey to my brother Thomas Ryves Doctor of Lawes that nowe my meaninge is and I do hereby declare the same that whereas I lately pruchased of George Owen of Godstowe Esquire a certayne peece of grownd called Hawkewell peece or Charwell peece but tooke the same in the name of ye saied Thomas in truste and for my use. Nowe I do hereby require the sayed Thomas to assure the same unto my brother William Ryves and his heires within reasonable tyme after my deathe for and towards the dischardge of such legacyes as in my sayed will be conteyned. And yf the sayed Thomas shall refuse so to assure the same then I do hereby revoke all and every legacey and legaceys by my sayed will to the sayed Thomas appoynted and yet do neverthelesse enjoyne my sayed Brother William to compell hym by some course in equitie to performe the same according to my truste in hym reposed to the intent my will may be the better performed. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale Dated the thirtith daye of Maye one thowsand sixe hundred and thirteenth
George Ryves
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of H Bellingham John Veel Raphe Porter


ngland & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 (Ancestry)