1639 Will - Francis Reeve
Dated: 23 Dec 1639, Harlow, EssexProbated: Archdeaconry of Middlesex (Essex and Hertfordshire Jurisdiction), 3 Mar 1639/40
In the name of God Amen the 23th daie of December 1639 I Francis Reeve of Harlowe in the Countie of Essex gents though sick & weake in boddy yett in good & pfect memorie praise be Almightie God doe ordeine this my Testamt conteyning herein my last will in mannr and forme following. First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie God my Creator hoping for salvacon through his grace & mercy in Jesus Christ my ever lyving Redemmer and my Boddie to be buried in the Church of Harlowe nere unto the pewe where I use to sitt And my will & mynd is that my Executor to this my will shall produce a faire marble stone to the value of tenne pounds ingraven with the Arms & scutchions of my wives & myne Armes? & pictures or statues of brasse ingraven thereon and ? laye the same uppon my grave. Item I give & bequeath unto Edward Spranger sonne of Edward Spranger of Harlowe clerk John Savill Thomas Savill William Thomson & John Jordyn sone of John Jordyn of Harlowe & their heirs the some of one hundred poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid them or the survivors of them or their heirs by those to whom the inheritance of the mound? of Hubbard Hall with the apptences shall come within twentie years next after my decease and by them or the survivors of them to be laid out in land & to build an Almshouse thereuppon ? & ? for fower poore widdowes to live in successively & they to receive & take the benefitt thereof. Item I give and bequeath to my nephew William Reeve of Monnden pk in Suffolk gent fower marks to buy him a peere of plate. Item I give to my kindsman Charles Reeve my nephewe George Reeves sonne one hundred pounds to be paid him by twentie pounds half yearlie after he shall accomplish the age of thirty fyve years & if he shall happen to decease before he comes to the said age, then I will & devise it shalbe laid as aforesaid to such pson or psons as he the said Charles shall by his last will and testamt & in writing or otherwise nominate & devise ? appoint the same. Item I give & devise to my kinsman Francis Reeve my Godson sonne of George Reeve the younger the some of threescore pounds to be paid to him the said Francis att his age of xxii years & xxiiii yearly even porcons. Item I give & devise to William Reeve of Writtle my kinsman twentie pounds to be paid to him within three years after Mr Houchell's? lease of Hubbards hall is expired And if the said William happen to die in the meane tyme that then it shall remaine to his wife is she be then lyving or to his child or children if she happen to be dead. Item I give & bequeath to my said kinsman George Reeve the younger the sum of xx to be paid to him or his assigns ? years after the lease expired. Item I give & devise to my welbeloved wife the bedstead bedding & furniture wherein she nowe lieth & the boxe of wa?? & all the lynnen & pewter & all the brasse pot except the copper. Item I give & bequeath to my brother William Reeve fiftie shillings a yeare during his life quarterlie by even porcons & convenient lodging chamber & bedding wherein he nowe lieth. Item my I will & ordaining? is & soe I devise that some of xxiiii yearly to be discribed in ?? the first Sundaye in evry? month throughout the yeare by equall porcons amongst the poore of Harlowe aforesaid att the discrecon of the churchwarden of the said pish untill such tyme as my said Almshouses be builded fower poore widdowes be placed therein All wch legacies & somes of money (excepting the fower ? to my nephew William Reeve & the charge of tenn pounds for the stone) herein by me willed & bequeathed my will & meaning is shalbe paid as is expressed in this my will by such pso or psons who shall have & enjoy my mannor & lands of Hubbard Hall att the tymes of paiens? therein lymitted & appointed (Theis legacies being the three hundred pounds reserved in the ? of ? by me ? to Mr Spranger bearing date the xxith daye of this instant December. Also I give to my brother Cales? fortie shillings to buy him a ring. All the residue of my goods & chattells I give & bequeath to my nephew Robert Reeve whom I ordeine & make sole executor of this my testamt to see my debts & legacies paid & pformed according to my will intent & meaning herein conteyned. Also I give to George Hardin xx & to those that are in house wr? ??. In witness whereof I have to this will sett my hand & seale & declare the same to be my last will the daie & yeare above written in the psence ofFra Reeve
Ed Spranger
Jno King
And Casey