1643 Will - Lawrence Reeve
Dated: 2 Oct 1643, Writtle, EssexProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 14 Nov 1649
Recorded: Piece 210 (Fairfax), folio 12 reverse
In the name of God Amen I Lawrence Reeve of Writtle in the County of Essex yeoman being sick in body but in firme and perfect remembrance praised be Almighty God doe here ordaine and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme as followeth that is to sayFirst I comend my soule into the hands of Almighty god my most merciful Creator and to Jesus Christ my Alsufficient Saviour and Redeemr hoping that by his Death and passion I shalbe freely pardoned and forgiven me all my sinns and all my offences and after this life ended be made partaker in his heavenly kingdom with the elect in the Lord and for my body I comitt to the earth to decently buried according to the discretion of my executor hereafter named And for such personall goods wh it hath pleased Almighty god to endowe me with I give and bequeath in manner and forme as followeth
Imprimis I give and bequeath to Lawrence Reeve my eldest sonne one coppie hold messuage or tenement and all the land thereunto belonging him and being in Heygh Esterne by the name of Hernies?
It I give and bequeath to my sonne Richard Reeve tenn shillinge to be paid to him within one year after my death
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Thomas Reeve one twelve pence to be paid to him within one year after my death
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Margaret Reeve on messuage or tenement called Syemerer? lying and being in the parish of Writle shee not to have it till after my death and my wive death if shee be then living if not then I give the said messuage or tenement to my sonne Abraham Reeve and Robert Reeve and to his heirs forever
Item I give to Jone Reeve my wife all the messuage wherein I now live and all the land thereunto belonging called by the name of Pursselles shee to have it so long as shee liveth and after her death to my sonne Robert Reeve and my sonne Abraham Reeve and to their heires forever they paying out of it to John Reeve my sonne or to his heirs forty pounds to be paid to him within one year after the death of the said Joane Reeve my wife
Item I give and bequeath unto James Reeve and to Joane Reeve the sonne and daughter of my sonn Lawrence Reeve fifteen pounds to either of them and for want of payment of any of these sumes of money it shalbe lawfull for any one of them to reenter upon the said messuage and lands till their moneys be fully rented out of the said James Reeve and Joane Reeve not to be paid till within to yearse after the death of Joane Reeve their grandmother or else when they be one and twenty years of age
Item I give unto Joane Reeve my wife all my moveable goods cattells chattels plate ready money bills bonds and all whatsoever shee paying all my debts and discharging of my fnerall I doe make her full and sole executrix
In witness whereof I the said Lawrence Reeve have hereunto sett my hand and seal this day and year underwritten Dated this second day of October in the year of our Lord god One thousand six hundred forty three
Lawrence Reeve his marke
Sealed and delivered in the presence of us John Rowing and Richard Stevens
It is my will that Margarett Reeve should have thirty shillings a yeare payd after the death of her mother out of the lands called Popear? as long as she liveth