1666 Will - John Ryves
Dated: 3 Aug 1666, Ranston, DorsetProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 12 Oct 1667
Recorded: Piece 325 (Carr), folio 165
In the name of God Amen I John Ryves of Ranston in the County of Dorsett Esquire being very sickly and weake of body But of perfect sense and memory (thanks be given to Almighty God therefore) Revoaking all former wills by me made Doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following My Soule I render unto the hands of my faithfull Redeemer Jesus Christ My Body I desire may be decently interred (if I dye in the County of Dorsett and that it may be without too much trouble) in the vault att Handford or else in such other place and in such manner as it shall seeme most convenient to my executors. My Great Bible in six volumes and all my Divinity books I give to my Brother Thomas Ryves all the rest of my Books lawe books and others together with my chamber in the middle Temple London And the benefitt of the Assignment which I have in it I give to my Brother George Ryves ye lease of my Parsonage of Ellingham in the County of Southton and all my moneys morgages bonds Bills and Credits whatsoever and all other my goods and Chattells Reall and personall whatsoever which belong to me in Law or equity or which I am or shalbe possessed of att the tyme of my death I give and bequeath unto my executors hereafter named In trust neverthelesse for such intents uses and purposes as I shall from tyme to tyme by any deed or Deeds writing or writings under my hand and seale direct and appoint. But for want of such direction or appointment then I doe will that my said seale morgages moneys creditts and other goods and chattells whatsoever be distributed (after my funeralls and debts paid) unto and amongst all my daughters unmarried att the tyme of my death. Concerning my mannor or farme of Ranston and my meadowes at Childrokford in the said County of Dorsett which I have by Deed beareing date the tenth day of July last past before the date hereof Conveyed unto George Hussey of Marnhull and Robert Sayner? if Hanford in the said County of Dorsett Esquires and to their heirs and assigns forever in trust neverthelesse for such intents and purposes as I should by any writing or writings under my hand and seale direct ? or appoint. Now I doe hereby confirm that conveyance and I doe hereby also give and devise the same unto them and their heires forever in trust as aforesaid and concerneing the inheritance of my houses in St Johns Streete London (if the same be not already setled in Richard Newman of Fifehead Magdelin in the said County of Dorsett Esquire and Robert Sewell of Pauls Church yard London Draper and their heirs then I doe hereby give and devise the inheritance of the same houses unto them the said Richard Newman and Robert Sewell their heirs and assigns forever (upon the trusts neverthelesse that they the said George Hussey and Robert Seymer and the survivor of them and his heirs and the said Richard Newman and Robert Sewell and the survivor of them and his heires shall dispose of the premisses to them respectively conveyed and devised in such manner and for such intents and purposes as I shall by deed or deeds writing or writings under my hand and seal declare ? or appoint And to noe other intent or purpose whatsoever And I doe hereby make and constitute the said George Hussey and Robert Seymer to be the executors of this my last will and testament in trust as aforesaid to each of which my said executors I give a peece of Plate of the vallue of five pounds In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the third day of August in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty and six.John Ryves
Signed Sealed and published in the presence of Richard West Henry Glover John Younge Ni Ingram