1671 Will - John Reve
Dated: 27 Feb 1670/1, Tolleshunt Major, EssexProbated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 16 Jun 1671
In the name of god Amen the 27th day of February 1670: being sick in body but of sounde & perfect memory praise be given to god for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this life on earth and being desirous to settell things in order doe make this my last will and testament in maner & forme following that is to saye first and principally I commend my soule to god my creator asseuredly beleving that I shall receive full pardon & free remission of my sinns and be saved by the precious death and merits of my blessed saviour & redeemer Christ Jesus & my body to the earth from whence it was taken & to be buryed in a christian decent maner as to my executors her after mentioned shall be thought meete & convenient and as touching such worldly estate as the lord in mercy hath lent me my will and meaning is the same shall as hereafter by this my will is expressed revoking all other wills doe declare this to be my last will & testament: And now for the settelling of my temporall estate in maner and forme following: Item I give & bequeath all my psonall estate after my debts payed & my funerall charges disbursed to be equallyed devided in three parts that is to saye one third part to Mary my loving wife and the other tow parts to my tow sonns that is to saye my sonn John Reve and Ollevere Reve to every one of them part a like and my will is if eyther of my sonns shall happen to depart this life befor the age of one & twenty years then he shall is living to inioye his parte or if any of my two sonns shall happen to marry before theye come of age then he shall have his portion at the time of his marrage and my will is if Mary my wife shall happen to marry to an other man that one halfe of her part of estat that is left to her to be equally devided between my tow sonns that is to saye my sonn John & my sonn Ollevere Reve & my will is that my tow sonns shall be brought up with the use of the stock & I nominate & appoynt Mary my loving wife to be my executor.John Reve
Abraham Dores
Richard Travlett