1684 Deed - Thomas Budd to Jonathan Reeve

1684 Deed - Thomas Budd to Jonathan Reeve

1684 Deed - Thomas Budd to Jonathan Reeve


West Jersey Deeds Book B, p37
8 Feb 1684 (New Style)


By one conveyance bearing date the eighth day of ye twelvth month 1683 made from Thomas Budd of the one pte to Jonathan Reeve of the other pte ffor the consideration of tenne pounds currt English money by ye said Jonathan Reeve to ye said Thomas Budd paid Hee ye said Thomas Budd hath sold & to ye said Jonathan Reeve ? one sixteenth pte of a priety in ye second tenth in ye Province of West Jersey being the? of ye propriety purchased by ye said Thomas Budd as is last above mentioned; And alsoe halfe an acre of land or thereabouts in ye island of Burlington in a street called woodstreet & joyning to ye land of William Brightmen. And all mines mineralls woods ffishings hawkings huntings & fowlings and all other royalties franchizes & fitts comodities & appurtenances to ye said sixteenth the? belonging & all ways waters easemts & appurt to ye said R? and belonging to hold & to ye said Jonathan Reeve his heirs & assigns forever, with ye covenant that ye said Thomas Budd hath not done any thing that may incumber ye prmises & other than ye quitt rents to ye due?. And alsoe ye covenant for further assurance within seaven years & signed sealed delivered & acknowledged by Thomas Budd Come before Thomas Gardner Com and in presence of William Budd John Kinsly & Thomas Revell


FamilySearch - West Jersey Deeds Book B, p37