Reeve, Jonathan ( - aft 1683)


Reeve, Jonathan



Birth Source:

Death: aft 1683
Death Source: Deed



The only mention currently known of this Jonathan Reeve is a deed from 1684 in which Thomas Budd sold him some land on Burlington Island. Given that Walter Reeve and his second wife Anne were married in 1682, it is not possible for this to be the same as Jonathan Reeve son of Walter and Anne. Anne claimed him as her son in a deed from 1710, so it is established that Walter's son Jonathan Reeve was born to Anne, not the first wife.

According to information online concerning Thomas Budd, he had a brother James who was married to a Joanna Reeve and drowned at Burlington, New Jersey in 1692. Interestingly, another Thomas Budd, possibly a son of the elder Thomas's brother William, sold some land to Mary, the widow of Jonathan Reeve, son of Walter in 1727. A marriage for James Budd of Martock to Joane "Beere" or "Reeve" of Weymouth, Dorset is dated 11 Jun 1659 among Somerset, England quaker records. This could indicate the Reeve family was from Weymouth, Dorset.

Research Notes


1684 Deed - Thomas Budd to Jonathan Reeve - West Jersey Deeds Book B, p37
1710 Deed - Ann Reeve to Jonathan Reeve - West Jersey Deeds Book N, p528
1727 Deed - Thomas Budd to Mary Reves - West Jersey Deeds Book D, p326
English Quaker Records, Somerset, Piece 1439: Monthly Meeting of South Somerset (to 1783), and Mid-Somerset (1657-1748), book 143, p19 (Ancestry)