1688 Will - Mary Rives
Dated: 21 Mar 1687/8, Hanford, DorsetProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 9 Feb 1688/9
Recorded: Piece 394 (Ent), folio 185
In the name of God Amen I Mary Rives of Handford in the County of Dorst widd doe make my last Will and Testament Indeyted in manner and forme following, First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator in assured hopes of a joyfull resurrecton at the last day My body I comitt to the Earth from whence it was taken to be decently interred in the Vault of the Church at Handford aforesd at the expense of three hundred and fifty pounds if my executors hereafter named shall thinke that sufficient besides twenty pounds my will is shall be distributed amongst the poore at my funerall 4s for the rest of my personall and worldly estate I dispose of as followethItem I give to my daughter Katherine Bennet the sume of two hundred pounds
Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth Berkeley the sume of five hundred pounds and all my books and manuscripts
Item to every one of the children of my sonne Seymer to every one of the children of my daughter Eyre deceased to each of the children of my daughter Stawell decd to each of the children of my daughter Berkely and to my grandchild Edward Topp sonne of my daughter Bennet I give and bequeath three twenty shilling peices of broad gold.
Item to every one of the children of my daughter Baker and to every one of the children of my daughter Symonds I give a twenty shillings peice of broad gold all the rest of my broad gold whatsoever I give to my daughter Bennet and my daughter Berkeley to be equally divided between them
Item my wedding Ring wch I had by my husband Seymour i give to my sonne Seymour and the wedding ring I had by my husband Ryves I give to my grandchild Giles Eyres. Al the rest of my rings I give to my daughter Bennett and my daughter Berkeley to be equally divided between them
Item my cabinet I give to my sonne Seymour my chest of Drawers I give to my grandchild Elizabeth Baker my ? I give to my grandchild Edward Topp.
Item two hundred more w??? in my sonne in law Symounds hands I give unto my sonne Robert Seymour Esqr in trust for my daughter Symounds and not to be inter meddled with by her husband inlesse he shall give to my sonne Symour sufficient security to pay the same to my said daughter Symounds at his death if she shall survive him if not then to such of her children as shall be living at the time of her death equally. And on failure of such security then my sonne Seymour to dispose thereof at interest among my sonne Symonds his life allowing my daughter Symounds the interest wch shall be made thereof dureing her husbands life and after his death to pay the principall to my daughter Symounds if she shall survive her husband if not then to such of her children as shall be liveing equally.
Item I give more to my sonne Seymour the sume of one hundred and twenty pounds interest for Thomas Samuel Henry John James and Mary the six children of my daughter Symounds (that is to say) twenty pounds apeece but not to be inter meddled with by their father unlesse he shall give to my sonne Symour sufficient security to repay the same with her interest and proceed thereof unto his said children respectively as they shall attaine their ages of one and twenty yeares and on failure of security my son Saymour to dispose thereof at his discrecon for theire best advantages untill theire respective ages, And if any or either of them shall happen to dye before his or theire full age then the parte of him or them soe dying to goe to the surviver equally.
Item I give more to my sonne Seymour the sume of fifty pounds in trust for my godsonne and grandchild Robert Symounds and not to be intermeddled with by his father unlesse he shall give such security as aforesd to repay the same with interest unto my said godsonne at his age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage wch shall first happen And in failure of such security my sonne Seymour to dispose thereof at his descrecon for the best advantage of my said godsonne and grandchild Rob Symounds untill he attaine his age of one and twenty yeares and if he shall happen to dye before that age of marriage then the same to be divided betwixt his brothers and sisters equally.
Item I give more to my sonne Robert Symour the sume of threescore pounds in trust for my three grandchildren John Baker Elizabeth Baker and Jane Baker (that is to say twenty pounds apeece to be paid unto them respectively at theire severall ages of one and twenty yeares or dayes of marriage wch shall first happen and in the mean time to be disposed of at the discrecon of my said sonne Seymour for the best advantages of my said three grandchildren and if any or either of my said three grandchildren shall happen to dye before his her or theire ages of one and twenty yeares or dayes of marriage then the parte or partes of him her or them soe dying to goe to the survivrs equally and to be paid at theire respective ages or marriages whc hsall first happen.
Item I give to my son Seymour the sume of seaven hundred pounds more in trust for my grandchildren Richard Baker and Katherine Baker vizt three hundred pounds for the said Richard Baker and foure hundred pounds for the said Katherine to enable them the better to sett up theire mades? when they shall have served forth theire times and in the meane time to be put out at interest or other wise disposed of for theire best advantage at the discreson of my said sonne Seymour untill they shall have served out theire respective times of Apprentice and if either of them shall dye within age then the parte of him or her to goe to the survivr and if they shall both happen to dye within age then the same to be intrust for his or her sisters nad brothers to be paid to such brothers and sisters equally at theire respective ages or marriages wch shall first happen.
Item I give to Anne Ridente daughter of my grandchild Mary Ridente? twenty pounds and if the said Anne shall dye before her age or marriage then the same to goe to her brother or sister wch shall be next eldest.
Item to my godsonne and Grandchild Henry Eyre my godsonne and grandchild Anne Stawell I give the sume of one hundred pounds apeece to be disposed of at interest dureing theire minorities — in such manner and on such securityes as my executors shall thinke fitt and direct wch I d?? theire fathers to agree to.
Item I give to my grandchildren Gyles Eyre John Eyre Edward Poppe John Stawell and Maurice Berkeley the sume of twenty pounds apeece.
Item I give to my grandchildren Katherine Seymour and Henry Seymour the sume of twenty pounds apeece.
Item my coach coarn hourses and harnesse together with my riding gelding I give to my sonne Seymour and twenty pounds I give to my daughter in law his wife to buy her a peice of plate.
Item my old silver hooped in wronglit tankard I give to my grandchild Henry Seymour with a desier the same may goe and remaine to the heyres males of my sonne Robet Seymour for ever.
Item I give to Mr Nicholas Ingram tenn pounds
Item all my wearing apparell I give to my daughter Symounds
Item I give to my couzn Henry Wingfeild the sume of twenty pounds in trust for his sister Colmer to pay the interest dureing her life and the principall to pay to such child of hers as shall be eldest lveing at the time of her death.
Item to all my servants that shall be in covenant with me at the time of y death I give halfe a yeares wages over and besides what shall be owe unto them.
And I doe hereby make and ordaine my very loveing sonne Robert Seymour and my loveing daughter Elizabeth Berkeley and my brother George Rives Esqr Extors in trust of this my last Will and Testament to each of wich I give twentie pounds to buy a peece of plate.
Item my goods and chattells and all other ? reall and personall whatsoever and not by this my will before given and bequeathed wch shall remaine at the time of my death (after my debts legacyes and funerall expences paid borne and discharged I give and bequeath unto my loveing daughter Elizabeth Berkley and Edward Toppe sonne of my daughter Mrs Katherine Bennet to be equally divided between them provided that if my said granchild Edward Toppe shall happen to dye before his age of one and twenty yeares then his parte to goe and be equally divided between suche children of my daughter Elizabeth Berkley as shall be then liveing And will is that my said grandsonne Topps parte shall be disposed of from time to time at interest or other wise dureing his minority by my executors as they shall think fitt And my further will and meaning is that my executrs intrust shall save themselves harmlesse and indempuified from time to time out of my estate all such costs charges losses and damages wch they or either of them shall lay out be put unto or sustaine by reason of the trust reposed in them as aforesd and alsoe that if any of the moneys wherein?? my sonne Seymour or other my executors is on are intursted as aforesd shall happen to miscarry or be lost through the insolvency of any debtor to whome the same shall be let out at interest or otherwise then the person or persons for whome the same shall be soe lett out shall beare and lose the same and my said sonne Seymour and other my eecutors shall be thereof and therefrom acquitted and discharged provided alsoe and my will is that theire be not difference between my children and grandchildren or any or either of them or the executors or assignes of them or either of them and my said executors after my deceased for or by reason of any act deed or thing by me done acted or committed relateing to the estate of my late husband John Ryves Esqr decd or any parte thereof and to that intent my will and meaning is and I doe hereby declare that if any or either of my children or grandchildren shall at any time after my decease sue or prosecute my executrs or any or either of them or the executors or friends in trust of my said husband Rives or any or either of them for or by reason of any Act or Acts deed or deeds thing or things by me acted done or comitted relating to or any wise concerning to the said estate reall and personall of my said husband Rives or any parte thereof and shall not after any accord or suite soe brought and prosecuted upon reasonable request made to the person or persons soe bringing or prosecuting the same release and discharge the said Accon or Accons then such child or grandchildren soe sueing or prosecuting all and every the legaccies gifts and bequests in or by this my last will to him or them given or bequeathed and such legacye gift or bequest soe forfeited I doe hereby give and bequeath to my other children and grandchildren to be equally divided between them Anything herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and sealed this third day of Novemr in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred eighty and six
Mary Rives
Signed Sealed published and declared in the presence of J Pitt M Ingram Richard Lyle S Pashen
A Codicill Indented to be annexed to my last Will and Testament
Item Whereas I Mary Rives of Handford in the County of Dorset widdow have by my last Will and Testament bearing date the thihrd day of November in the yeare of our Lord God ne thousand six hundred eighty six amongst divers other things therein contained given unto my sonne Robert Seymour Esqr the sume of seaven hundred pounds in trust for my two grandchildren Richard Baker and Katherine Baker (viz for the said Richd Baker the sum of three hundred pounds and for the said Katherine Baker the sume of four hundred pounds as in and by my said will relacon being there unto had more at large appeares And whereas I have since the making of my will paid unto the said Richard Baker the sume of one hundred pounds and ordered the sume of one hundred pound smore to be paid unto him Now I doe hereby revoake and withcall two hundred pounds of the sd Legacye of three hundred pounds given by my said will in trust for the said Richard Baker as aforesd and doe confirme the other one hundred pounds of the said legacye of three hundred pounds to him.
Witnesse my hand and seale the one and twentieth day of March one thousand six hundred eighty seaven Mary Rives Saled and delivered in the presence of Stuart Albyn Sign Mary Hisrocks M Ingram