1693 Will - Jeremiah Reeve
Dated: 19 May 1693, Bocking, EssexProbated: Archbishop of Canterbury: Peculiar of Deanery of Bocking, 2 Jun 1693
In the name of God Amen I Jeremiah Reeve of Bockin in the County of Essex Gent Being weake in Body but of sound & pfect memorey thanks bee Given to Almighty God for ye same doe make this my last Will & Testament in manner followingI Give & Bequeath unto my loveing friend John Reeve of Bockin Afforesaid Gent and John Morley of Little Mayslted? in this said County marchant all my house & lands whatsoever & wheresoever both free hold & copy hold with their & every of their appertenances to them & their heirs for ever, upon the several trusts & for the severall uses herein after mentioned that is to say to ye use of my son John Reeve during the terme of his naturall life, (he keeping the same in tenant? repair ? after his decease then to ye use of all my grandchildren that are living at my said sons death that are the children begotten or to be begotten between ye Body of my son in law Johnathan Reeve & Elizabeth his wife & my son in law John Bands & Ellen his wife & the survivor of them but if my said sn John Reeve have heirs lawfully begotten of his body, then to the use of said heirs for ever and to no other use & purpose whatsoever
Item My will is that my said son John Reeve shall pay to my daughter Jane Reeve or her assigns during ye term of her naturall life the sum of sixteen pounds yearly & every yeare without any abatement whatsoever, by foure quarterly payments ye first payment to be made within one month next after my decease. And if my said son John shall neglect or refuse to pay ye same as aforesaid then it shall & may be lawfull for my said daughter Jane or her assigns to enter in to & upon all that land now in my owne occupation called ye ? or any part thereof & ye same to hold & receive ye profits thereof while she be fully satsisfyed & paid together wth all charges for entering upon the same
Now I give & bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Lausell? the sum of five pounds for her owne use & her receipt shall be a full discharge for the same, that to every one of her children five pounds a piece to be paid them by my son John within one yeare next after my decease
Item I give & Bequeath unto my loving friend Ms Mary Maysont five pounds to buy her marning? to be paid wthin one mth next after my decease by my said son John
Item My will is that my said son John shall pay to my son in law John Ager or his assigns during the naturall life of Abigell his new wife the sum of ten pounds yearly & every yeare y two equal payments wthout any abatement whatsoever the first payment within three months next after my decease, but if my said son John shall refuse or neglect to pay the same as aforesaid then it shall & may be lawfull for my said son in law John Ager or his assigs to enter into & upon all that land then in ye occupation of William Pettitt, or his assigns called Nilby? while which I lately purchsd of John Morely ? part of it and the same to hold & receive the proffitts thereof untill he is fully sattisfied & paid together wth all charges for entering upon ye same
Item I give to ye people of Bockin ye som of forty shillings
Item I give to De Sherry forty shillings to preach my funerall sermon
Item I give to ye said John Reeve & John Morley the som of five pounds a piece to be paid them by my son John wthin one month next after my deecase
Item my will is that my said son John shall pay all my debts & ... I give all my goods & chattels whatsoever or wheresoever in consideration he prforme the same and I doe nominate and appoynt him and my kinsman Mr Joseph Reeve of Bockin aforesaid executor of this my last will & Testament desiring them to prforme ye same revoking all former will or wills heretofore by me made for my cousen Joseph Reeves paines & care in assisting of my son & the trouble of his executorship I give him five pounds. In witness whereof I have sett to my hand and seale this nyneteenth day of May in ye fifth yeare of ye reigne of our soveraigne lord & lady William & Mary by the Grace of God over England & and in ye yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred ninety three
Jeremiah Reeve
Signed Sealed published & declared by the within named
Jeremiah Reeve as his last will & testament in ye
presence of
Jonathan Reeve
John Baynes
Sam Harridance
William Bayley