1693 Will - John Reeve
Havering-atte-Bower, EssexProbated: Archdeaconry of Essex, 31 January 1693/94
7 Nov 1693
In the name of God Amen the seaventh day of November in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred ninety and three I John Reeve of the pish of Haverying See Bower in the Countie of Essex Gentleman beinge weake in body but of sound and pfecte minde and memory praise be therefore Given to Almightie God Doe make and ordaine this my xsent Last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge, that is to say, Ffirst and principally I commend my soule into the hands of Almightie God Hopeinge through the merits death and passion of my saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free forgivenesse of all my sins and to inherit everlastinge life and my Body I comitt to the Earth to be buryed at the direction of my executor hereafter named and as touching the disposition of such temporall estate as it hath pleased Almightie God to bestowe upon me I give, Devise and Dispose thereof as followethItem I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my loveinge wife All the money that shall be due to me from her tenant? Dorsett? at my decease I alsoe Give unto her the said Elizabeth my wife all the money that shall be due to me at my decease from her Daughter (blank) Barrington widdow late wife of John Barrington Esquier Deceased,
Item I also give and bequeath unto the said Elizabeth my wife the sume of ffouretie pounsd of good lawfull money cleerely without payine any taxes to be paid to her yearely and every yeare duringe her naturall life by my executor heereafter named, And I order that twentie pounds beinge pte payment of the ffouretie pounds for the first yeare be paide to her within six dayes; and afterwards soe on such days of payment duringe her life & alsoe I give to the said Elizabeth my wife the curbey? worke courth and all the curbey worke chayers and I alsoe order that all those goods the said Elizabeth my wife brought with her, at her intermarriage with me, be forthwith Delivered to her after my decease upon her demande I also give to the said Elizabeth my wife my coath & two of my best hourses, which shee shall please to make choyce off, with the coath l(?) and firniture I alsoe order that what things be in a noate or schedule which are in my cozin Haynet? hands be forthwith delivered to the said Elizabeth my wife after my decease, with any other howshold stuffe, she shall desire the coppers only excepted.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Susanna Revs the sume of tenn pounds current English money to be paid to her yearely and every yeare duringe her naturall life by my sonn Ffrancis Reeve or his heires the first payment thereof to begin and to be made within twelve months after my decease and my minde & will is that the said Ffrancis Reeve my sone shall enter into sufficient bond to the said Susanna for the sure payment of her said yearely annuit of tenn pounds and he putinge in such severyty as aforesaid I, will, and order that my executor hereafter named at the time of giveing such severity shall argint? release & discharge my said sonn Ffrancis Reeve of one obligasion made from him to me conditioned for the payment of three hundred pounds that will be due to my executor three months next after my decease, otherwise the same obligasion to be in full force.
Item I give to my said sonn Ffrancis Reeve one new suite of apparrell that I bought At Mis? Gilmans the last yeare never worne & six payer of shooes with it.
Item I give unto my daughter Ann Reeve the sume of ffourety pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be paid to her tenn pounds every quarter of a yeare yearely duringe her naturall life by my said executor the first payment thereof to begin and to be made within three months next after my decease, and my minde & will is that my said executor shall enter into sufficient bond to the said Ann Reeve my daughter for the sure payment of her said yearely annuity of ffourety pounds
Item I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Reeve aforesaid five pounds a yeare and every yeare current English money to be paid to her yearely untill the expirason of two yeares next ensuinge after the decease of Kit Paine?, not to her owne cose?, but to be disposed by her to buy cloathes for the children of her sister Letiria or otherwise as shee shall thinke best or most fittinge for her said sister Letiriae
Item I will give and devise unto my son Wiltshire Reeve all those customary lands called by the name of Longerofts or by any other name conteyning by estimation eight acres bothey more or lesse lyinge in the pish of Harlowe in the said County of Essex together with all other my customary tenements and lands whatsoever with thapptenances situate lyinge and beinge in Harlow aforesaid And alsoe all my houses & tenements whatsoever with thapptenantes situate and beinge in Sratfieldbroadoabe in the said countie and alsoe all my howses and tenements whatosever with thapptenamet situate & beinge in the pish of Barbin in the said County with all the lands belonginge to the said last mensoned tenement and alsoe all my houses & tenements whatsoever with theapptenances situate & beinge in white chappell in the County of Middlesex to hold unto the use & behoofe of him the said Wiltshire Reeve my sonne & to his Heires and assigns for ever absolutely without any condition and I make and ordaine this aid Wiltshire Reeve my son to be my full & sole executor of this my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I the said John Reeve the testator hane heere unto sett my hand & seale the day & yeare above written
Signed Sealed published andJohn Reeve
Declared by the Testator in the
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