1691 Will - Thomas Reeve
Dated: 26 Oct 1691, Good Easter, EssexProbated: Bishop of London: Peculiar of Good Easter, 13 May 1701
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Reeve of the parish of Good Easter in the county of Essex yeoman being weake in body but of sound & perfect memory (praised be god) doe make ordaine publish & declare this my last will & Testament in manner & forme following: And First & chiefly I reseigne my soul into the hands of Almighty god who gave it, my body I commit to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried according to the discretion of my executors hereafter in this my will named. And as for my lands & goods which it hath pleased almighty god to make me a steward of in this life I dispose thereof as followeth (Viz) I give unto Sarah my loving wife all those my lands called Smallshoes with their appurtenances lying & being in the parishes of Good Easter & Mashbury in the aforesaid county of Essex for & during the terme of her natural life, if shee keep her selfe soe long unmarried and after her decease the said lands to be equally divided amongst my children: but if my said wife shall be married againe then my will is that shee shall have only five pound p annu yearly to be paid out of the said lands during the terme of her naturall life; immediately after such her marriage the said lands to be sold & equally divided amongst my children, refering the five pound yearly for my wife as aforesaid. Item I give all my goods & cahttells within doores & wihtout to be equally divided amongst all my children when the youngest of them shall accomplish the age of one & twenty yeares. Item I give unto my eldest sonne Isaac Reeve the sume of ten poundes over & above his part with the rest of my children to be paid out of the stock when it shall be divided. And I doe nominate & appoint Sarah Reeve my loving wife & Isaac Reeve my eldest sonne executors of this my last will & Testament Revoking all other wills & Testaments by me formerly made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale the six & twentieth day of October in the third yeare of the Reign of our Soveraigne Lord William & Lady Mary of England Scotland & France & Ireland King Queen Defenders of the faith. Annoq Domini 1691.Thomas Reeve
Signed Sealed published }
& declared to be the last }
will & Testament of }
Thomas Reeve the testator }
in the presence of us
Abraham Melbank
Nathaniel (his marke) Abury
Will? Hall
Memorand. that on the thirteenth day of May 1701. The above named Sarah Reeve & Isaac Reeve executors of this will were sworne to the due executing thereof; Before me William Hall Commisary of Good Easter