1709 Deed - John Wills to Anne Reeves

1709 Deed - John Wills to Anne Reeves

1709 Deed - John Wills to Anne Reeves


West Jersey Deeds Book N, p256
25 Jan 1708/9


This Indenture made the five and twentieth Day of January in the year of our Lord according to English account one thousand seven hundred and Eight Between John Wills of Northampton in the County of Burlington and province of New Jersey yeoman of the one part and Anne Reeves of Northampton Cald? widdow on the other part Witnesseth that the said John Wills for and in consideration of the sum of sixty pounds current money of the Western Division of the Province aforesaid to him in hand paid and secured to be paid by the said Anne Reeves at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof he the said John Wills doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth acquit exonerate and discharge the said Anne Reeves her heirs executors Administrs and every of them forever by these presents Hath Granted Bargained and sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely Grant bargain and sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said Anne Reeves her heirs & assigns forever All that ract meadow land situate lying and being next above the fork of Northampton River upon the North side of the South Branch of the said River. Beginning at a certain Oak marked for a corner upon the upland and thence runs about Southwest by Thomas Green's meadow to a stake set up by the said Branch of the river thence taking all the adjoyning meadow downwards towards the sd forke the same meadow being formerly surveyed to Daniel Wiles father to the said John Wills and by him bequeathed to the said John Wills as by his Last Will and Testament doth and may appear. Together also with all and every the mines minerals woods fishings hawkings huntings and fowlings and all other royalties & pfitts commodities hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Granted meadow belonging or in any wise appertaining And all the estate right title interest possession property claim and demand whatsoever of him the said John Wills as well in law as in equity of in or unto the Granted premises or any part thereof with the appurtenances and the reversion & reversions remainder and remainders of the same and of every part thereof To have and to hold the said meadows land and granted premises with the appurtenances unto the said Anne Reeves her heirs and assigns forever. To the only proper use and behoofe of the said Anne Reeves her heirs and assigns forevermore And the said John Wills for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth covenant grant and agree to and with the said Anne Reeves her heirs and assigns by these presents in manner and form following that is to say that he the said John Wiles at the time of the sealing and Delivery of these presents hath good right title power and lawful authority to sell and confirm the said Meadows land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Ann Reeves her heirs and assigns forever in manner and form aforesaid And that he the said John Wills hath not wittingly or willingly committed suffered or done any act matter or thing whatsoever to hereby or by reason whereof the said Granted premises or any part thereof is are shall or may be charged burthened or incumbred in any title charge estate or otherwise how? other than the quit rents thereout issuing unto our Lady the Queen and her heirs and the arrearrs thereof if any be and that the said John Wills and his heirs shall and will at all and every time and times hereafter during the space of seven years next ensuing the date hereof at the request cost and charges of the said Anne Reeves her heirs or assigns make do and Execute such further and other lawfull act and acts thing and things conveyances and appurtenances whatsoever for the more better full and perfect conveying and confirming the said meadow land and premises and every or any part or parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Ann Reeves her heirs or assigns forever according to the tenor true intent and meaning of the presents as by her the said Ann Reeves her heirs or assigns hall be reasonably required so as the person or persons to who such requests shall be made be not compelled to travell or go further then the town of Burlington, aforesaid for the making doing or executing thereof and so as such further assurance contain no further covenant or warranty than according to the tenour of these presents. In witness whereof the said parties first above named to this present indenture hath set his hand and seal the Day and year first above written
John Wills (Seal)

Endorsed sealed signed and Delivered in presence of us Nathaniel Cripps Joshua Richardson John IR Reeves his mark June 18th 1741 Bridgetown in the County of Burlington and province of New Jersey

Then Came before me Thomas Shinn one of his Majesties Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Please for the County above Nathaniel Cripps and Did Declare upon his Solemn Affirmation that he saw the within Instrument sealed and Delivered by the within named Grantors and that the other evidences were also present acknowledged before me the Day and year First above written
Thomas Shinn
Recorded this 16th Day of Septembr 1756
Cha Read Secy


Anne was the widow of Walter Reeve. She later gave this land to her son Jonathan.


FamilySearch - West Jersey Deeds Book N, p256