1709 Will - Joseph Reeve


1709 Will - Joseph Reeve


Dated: 6 Jul 1709, Bocking, Essex
Probated: Archbishop of Canterbury: Peculiar of Deanery of Bocking, 10 Oct 1712


In the name of God Amen I Joseph Reeve of Bocking in the County of Essex yeoman being of sound mind and memory praised be God for the same Doe make this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following
First I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the merritts and mediation of Jesus Christ my Saviour to have free pardon of all my sins
Item I give and devise unto Susan my loveing wife her heires and assignes all my messuages or tenemts lands hereditamts meadows woods pastures with their appurtenances situate lying & being in the severall parishes of Bocking Gosfield Halsted and Ledingham Sible in the said County of Essex or elsewhere with full power and authority for her the said Susan her heires or assignes to sell & dispose of the same as shee or they shall think fitt upon this conditon and upon this special trust and consideration that she the said Susan her heires & assignes or some of them shall pay or cause to be paid unto my children hereafter named the severall respective sumes of lawfull money of Great Brittaine at the times hereafter in these prsents mentioned that is to say the sume of fifty pounds to my son Joseph within one year next after my decease and to my Daughter the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds within one yeare after my said decease or day of marriage which shall first happen and to my sons John Richard William Jonathan and Thomas the sumes of one hundred and fifty pounds apiece at their respective ages of one & twenty yeares and in case any of my said children happen to depart this life before they shall attaine their said ages of one and twenty yeares then my mind & will is and I doe hereby give & bequeath such part or porton herein before appointed to be paid to them or any of them to & amongst the survivors of them to be equally devided share & share alike all the rest residue & remainder of my said estate whatsoever both real & personal after my debts legacyes & funeral charges paid & satisfyd I give & bequeath unto SUsan my said wife and doe make and ordain her sole executrix of this my last will and testament revoking and making void all other & former wills In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this sixth day of July in the eigth yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lady Anne of great Brittain &c Queen Defender of ye Faith &c Annoq Dm 1709
Joseph Reeve

Sealed and Delivered published and
declared by the testator to be his last
Will & Testamt in the prsents of
Richard Bedwell
Henry Smith
S Howler


Essex Archives - D/APbW 2/50