Spotsylvania Co., VA 1731 Deed - A. Smith to Thomas Reeves

1731 Deed - A. Smith to Thomas Reeves

1731 Deed - Augustine Smith to Thomas Reeves

Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Deed Book B, pg. 161-162
3 May 1731


This Indenture made the third day of May Anno Domina one thousand seven hundred and thirty one Between Augustine Smith of Saint Marks Parish in Spotsylvania County in the Colony of Virginia of the one part and Thomas Reeves of Saint George Parish & County of Spotsylvania son of Henry Reeves late of Essex County Decd. of the other. Witnesseth that the said Augustine Smith for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings lawfull money of Great Brittain to him in hand paid by the said Henry & Thomas Reeves before the ensealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth acknowledge and thereof & of every part & parcel thereof do clearly and absolute exonerate acquit & discharge the said Henry & Thomas Reeves their heirs Executors & Admrs. and every of them for ever by these presents and for the better & more perfect confirming & assuring to ye said Thomas Reeves two hundred acres of land by me sold to his father Henry Reeves by deeds of Lease & release acknowledged in Essex County Court ye ninth day of September one thousand seven hundred and fourteen and by the said Henry Reeves bequeathed to his son Thomas Reeves hath further given granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth bargain sell alien enfeoffe & confirm unto ye said Thomas Reeves and his heirs and assigns forever two hundred acres of land lying & being in Spotsylvania County & parish of St. George near the falls of Rappahanock River Beginning at a marked hicory standing by a branch of Haselly Run thence cross ye branch & down to two white oaks by a branch of the Haselly Branch which is south east one hundred & sixty poles thence upon branch south west two hundred poles to a red oak thence north west one hundred & sixty poles to a red oak & white oaks thence north east to ye Beginning place the said tenement or tract of land being part of a pattent formerly granted to the said Augustine Smith for one thousand seven hundred & eighty acres by pattent bearing date the twenty first day of August one thousand seven hundred & nineteen To have and to hold the said two hundred acres of land together with all woods underwoods housings fencings orchards gardens tenements heriditaments easements profits & appurtenances whatsoever belonging to ye sd two hundred acres of land aforesaid & every part & parcel thereof belonging or in any ways appertaining reversion & reversions remainder & remainders thereof with all & singular the members Jurisdictions & appurtenances whatsoever as is exprest unto the said Thomas Reeves his heirs Executors Admrs. & assigns from ye day next before the date hereafter unto ye full end & term of one whole year from thence next ensuing to ye intent that by virtue thereof & ye Statute for Transferring uses into possession the said Thomas Reeves may be in actual possession of the said land tenement hereditaments & other the premises & appurtenances & be enabled to take & accept a grant & release of the same premises to him the said Thomas Reeves his heirs & assigns forever. In Witness whereof the sd Augustine Smith have hereunto set his hand & seal ye day month & year first above written.

                                                    Augustine Smith (seal)

Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us
Benjamin Berryman
Fran. Thornton, Jun.
Zach. Taylor

At a Court held for Spotsylvania County on Tuesday May 4'h 1731 Augustine Smith Gent. acknowledged this his Deed of Lease for land unto Henry Reeves at whose motion the same was admitted to record.
Test John Waller, Clk. Cur.


SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY DEED BOOK B, 1730-1731; Antient Press; Page 161

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Page last modified on Monday 28 of May, 2018 20:13:53 CDT by Beverly.