Account for 200 Acres of Land, Part of 2000 Acres

Account for 200 Acres of Land, Part of 2000 Acres

Account for 200 Acres of Land, Part of 2000 Acres


WJ Loose Records
Bowlby, John (25526) (PWESJ004)
Undated, in Folder marked 1737-1768


Jno Bowlby to Jams Hancock 2000 a deed dated 12th Novr 1737
Jams Hancock to Jno Allen 200 a deed dated 17th Febr 7 1739
Gor Allen to Walter Reeves 200a deed dated 7th March 1740
Walter Reeves by Will dated 28th May 1753 Devised 133 1/3 to Grandsons Jno & Absolam Reeves who convd to same to Thoms Reynold by deed dated 8th Aug 1768
Survd to Reynolds in two surveys - 28 2
remains unlocated - - - - - - - - - - - 146 8
                                                               175 0


NJ Department of State - Early Land Records, 1650-1900s (Search LastName "Bowlby" with Additional Surname "Reeves")