Account for 200 Acres of Land, Part of 2000 Acres
WJ Loose RecordsBowlby, John (25526) (PWESJ004)
Undated, in Folder marked 1737-1768
Jno Bowlby to Jams Hancock 2000 a deed dated 12th Novr 1737Jams Hancock to Jno Allen 200 a deed dated 17th Febr 7 1739
Gor Allen to Walter Reeves 200a deed dated 7th March 1740
Walter Reeves by Will dated 28th May 1753 Devised 133 1/3 to Grandsons Jno & Absolam Reeves who convd to same to Thoms Reynold by deed dated 8th Aug 1768
Survd to Reynolds in two surveys - 28 2
remains unlocated - - - - - - - - - - - 146 8
175 0