1739 Deed - Thomas Smith to George Reeves

1739 Deed - Thomas Smith to George Reeves

1739 Deed – Thomas Smith to George Reeves

Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Deed Book C, p. 328-329
1 Oct 1739


THIS INDENTURE made the first ay of October in the year of our Lord God..According to the Computation now used in the Church of Great Britain Seventeen hundred thirty & Nine BETWEEN Thomas Smith of the County of Prince William of the one part and George Reeves of South Farnham Parish in the County of Essex of the other part WITNESSETH that the said Thomas Smith for and in Consideration of the Sum of five Shillings Current money of Virginia to him in hand Paid by the sd. George Reeve at or before the Ensealing and Delivery of these Presents Doth grant bargain and Sell unto the said George Reeves All that tract or parcell (sic) of Land Containing by Estimation fifty acres be the same more or Less beginning at a Corner red oak of the sd. George Reeves’s (sic) & Running thence along his own line to a parcell of land formerly belonging to one James Horsenalle but now Capt. William Graysons and thence along the sd. Graysons Lines to the Land of Jonathan Gibson and thence Along the said Gibsons Line Down to the maine river of Rappahannock thence down the said River to a Tract of Land formerly Pattented (sic) by one John Smith but now belonging to Coll. Henry Fitzhugh Thence along the sd. Fitzhughs Line to the first beginning with all and Singular its rights members Jurisdictions and appurtenances together with all houses Edifices buildings tobacco houses orchards Gardens Yards backsides Easements Lands Tenements meadows ?aedings Pastures woods underwoods ways waters water courses Profits Commodities Common of Pa-hire Hereditaments and appurtenances wt.soever unto the sd. Land and Tenements or to any part or parcell of them belonging or in any wise appertaining all which Said Lands Tenements and premises aforesaid are Situate Lying and being in the County of Spotsylvania and now in the Possession of the sd. Thomas Smith or his assigns And the reversion and revertions (sic) remainder And remainders of all and Singular the before mentioned promises and all rent and rents reserved (word unclear) any Grant or grants Demise or Demises made of the promises or any part or parcell Them and also all the Estate right Title interest use possession property & Claim & Demand of him the said Thomas Smith of in and to the same and all Deeds writings evidences Pattents Court Rolls escripts and monuments whatsoever touching or Concerning the Promises or any Lands or Parcell of them TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Fifty acres of Land be the same more or Less tenements buildings and Premises here bargained and Sold with their and Every of them appurtenances unto the sd. George Reeve his Executors administrators and assigns from the day next before the day of the Date hereof for and During the Term of one whole Year from thence next Ensuing and fully to be Compleat (sic) and Ended Yielding and paying therefore Yearly the rent of one Ear of Indian Corn on the last Day of the sd. Year if the same be Demanded To the intent and purpose that by Virtue of these Presents and of the Statute for transfering uses into Possession the said George Reeves may be in the Actual Possession of the sd. Fifty Acres of Land more or Less and the Premises herein before mentioned & May be thereby also Enabled to take a grant and release and Confirmation of the revertion and inheritance Thereof IN WITNESS whereof the Parties first above named to these present Indentures have hereunto interchangeably Set their hands and Seals the day and Year first above written ~
Sealed and Delivered                                                                                             Tho:s Smith (Seal)
In Presence of               }
          Jos Reeves
          Tho: Reeves
          Kezia Wise
                    At a Court held for Spotsylvania County on Tuesday October ~
          the Second 1739 ~

                    Thomas Smith acknowledged this his Deed of Lease for
Land to George Reeves at whose motion the same is admitted to record ~
                                    Teste           John Waller Clk Court


Spotsylvania County VA DB C, p. 328-329, scanned images online at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Wednesday 04 of April, 2018 14:51:16 CDT by Beverly.