1739 Deed - Thomas Smith to George Reeves

1739 Deed - Thomas Smith to George Reeves

Deed – Thomas Smith to George Reeves

Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Deed Book C, p. 329-331
2 Oct 1739


THIS INDENTURE made the Second Day of October in the year of our Lord God According to the Computation now used in the Church of Great Britain Seventeen hundred And Thirty-Nine BETWEEN Thomas Smith of the County of Prince William of the one Part and George Reeves of South Farnham Parish in the County of Essex of the other part WITNESSETH that the sd. Thomas Smith for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twelve pouds Current money of Virginia to him in han Paid by the sd. George Reeves at or before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents the receipts whereof he Doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully satisfied and paid and thereof and of Every Part & Parcell thereof doth Clearly acquir Exonerate and Discharge the sd. George Reeves his heirs Exrs. and Admrs. forever by these presents HATH given granted aliened bargained released Conveyed Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these presents Doth fully Clearly and absolutely give grant alien bargain release Convey Sell Enfeoff and Confirm unto the sd. George Reeves his heirs and Assigns forever the Lands and Tenements hereinafter mentioned in his actual Possession now being by Virtue of one Indenture of bargain and Sale for one whole Year bearing Date the day next before the day of the Date of these presents and of the Statute for Transforming users into possession All That tract or parcell of Land Containing by Estimation fifty acres be the same more or Less beginning at a Corner red oak of the sd. George Reeves’s and running thence along his own Line to a Parcell of Land formerly belonging to one James Horsenail but now Capt. Willam Graysons And thence along the sd. Graysons Lines to the Land of Jonathan Gibsons and thence along the sd. Gibsons Line Down to the main river of Rappahannock thence down the sd. River to a Tract of Land formerly Pattented by one John Smith but now belonging to Col. Henry Fitzhugh thence along the sd. Fitzhughs Line to the first Beginning with all and Singular its rights members Jurisdictions and appurtenances together with all houses Edifices buildings tobacco houses orchards Gardens Yards backsides Easements Lands Tenements meadows Feedings Pastures woods underwoods ways waters Water Courses Profits Commodities Common of Pasture Hereditaments and appurtenances wt.soever unto the sd. Land and Tenements or to any Part or parcell of them belonging or in any wise appertaining all which said Lands Tenements and promises aforesaid are Situate Lying and being in the County of Spotsylvania and now in the Possession of the sd. Thomas Smith or his Assigns and the revertion and revertions remainder and remainders of all and Singular the before mentioned Premises and all rent and rents reserved upon any grant or Grants Demise or Demises made of the remises or any part or parcell of them and also all the Estate right Title Interest uses property possession Writings Evidences Pattents Court Rolls Escripts and Monuments to w.tSoever touching or Concerning the premises or any part or Parcell of them TO HAVE AN TO HOLD the said fifty Acres of Land be the same more or Less Tenements buildings and Premises hereby granted Released and Conveyed or mentioned or intended to be hereby granted released or Conveyed and Every Part and parcell thereof with the appurtenances and the rents revertion remainder & Services Thereof unto the said George Reeves his heirs and assigns for Ever To the Sole and Proper use of the sd. George Reeves his heirs and assigns for Ever And the sd. Thomas Smith for himself his heirs Executrs. & Admrs. the sd. Fifty acres of Land more or Less Tenem.ts and premises hereby Granted released and Conveyed and Every Part and Parcell thereof w.th the appurtenances unto the sd. George Reeves his heirs and assigns for Ever against him the said Thomas Smith, his heirs and assigns and all and Every other person and persons wt.Soever Shall and Will Warrant acquir and for Ever Defend by these presents And the sd. Thomas Smith for himself his heirs Exe.rs and Adm.rs Doth Covenant Promise and Grant to and with the sd. George Reeves his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the said Thomas Smith at the time of the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents is and Stands Lawfully rightfully and absolutely Seized of and in the sd. Fifty acres of Land more or Less Tenements & premises with the Appurtenances of a good Sure & fact and indefezable (sic) Estate of Inheritances in fee Simple without any Condition provisions or Limitation to alter Change Charge or Determine the Same and that the sd. Thomas Smith now hath full power good right and Lawfull authority To Grant release and Convey the said Fifty acres of Land more or Less tenements and Premises with the Appurtenances unto the said George Reeves his heirs and assigns for Ever in manner and form aforesaid An Also that he the sd. George Reeves his heirs and assigns shall and may by force and Virtue of these presents from time to time and at all times for Ever hereafter Lawfully forceably and Quietly Enter into have hold Use occupy Possess and Enjoy the sd. Fifty Acres of Land more or Less Tenemt.s and premises w.th their and Every of their appurtenances and have receive and Take the rents issues and Profits thereof to his & their Own proper use and behoof for Ever without any Lawfull Set Suit trouble molestation Denyal (sic) disturbance Interruption Evicion (sic) or Ejeccon (sic) of him the said Thomas Smith his heirs Executors or admors or of any other Person or persons w.tsoever And that free and Clear and freely and Clearly acquitted Exonerated and Discharged or otherwise from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter well and Sufficiently Saved and kept harmless and indemnified by the sd. Thomas Smith his heirs Ex.rs and Adm.rs of and from all & all manner of former and other gifts Grants bargaines Sales Leases releases mortgates Jointures Dowers titles of Dower users wills Entails Judgments Executions Extents rents and arrearages of Rent fines forfeitures issues and Amerciam.ts (?) and of and from all other Titles Charles demands & Incumbrances w.tsoever had made Committed omitted Suffered or done or to be had made Committed omitted Suffered or done by the sd. Thomas Smith his heirs or assigns or by any other person or persons wt.soever by his or their or by any of their Act or Acts means Consent title interest privily or procurem.ts the Rents and Services w.ch from henceforth from time to time for or in respect of the premises Shall grow Due and ought to be performed to our Sovereign Lord the King his heirs and Successors only Excepted & foreprized (?) And further the said Thomas smith for himself his heirs Execut.rs and Adm.rs Doth Covenant promise and grant to and with the said George Reeves his heirs and assigns by these pr.Sents That he the sd. Thomas Smith his heirs and assigns and all and Every other person and persons wt.Soever having or Claiming or w.ch at any time or times hereafter Shall or may Lawfully have or Claim any Estate right or interest into or out of the pr.misses or any part or parcell or them by from or under the sd. Thomas Smith his heirs or assigns Shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at or Upon the reasonable request and at the proper Costs and Charles in the Law o the sd. George Reeves his heirs or assigns make do perform acknowledge Levy Execute & Suffer or Cause and Procure to be made done performed acknowledged Levyed Executed and Suffered all and Every Such further and other Lawfull and reasonable act and Acts Thing and things Device & Devices Conveyances and Assureances in the Law wt.Soever for the farther better and more perfect assuring Suremaking and Conveying of all and Singular the before hereby Granted released and Conveyed premises with their and Every of other appurtenances unto the said George Reeves his heirs and assigns be it by fine recovery feoffmen.t release or Confirmation or by all and Every or any the ways and means aforesaid Or by any other ways or means wt.Soever as by the sd. George Reeves his heirs or assigns or by his or their Council Learned in the Law Shall be reasonably Devised advised or required IN WITNESS Whereof the Parties first above named to these present Indentures have hereunto interchangably Set their hands and Seals the day and Year first above written ~
Sealed and Delivered                                                                                             Tho:s Smith (Seal)
In Presence of               }
          Jos Reeves
          Tho: Reeves
          Kezia Wise
                    At a Court held for Spotsylvania County on Tuesday October the Second
                    1739 ~

                    Thomas Smith acknowledged this his Deed of Lease for
Land to George Reeves at whose motion the same is admitted to record ~
                                    Teste           John Waller Clk Court


Spotsylvania County VA DB C, p. 329-331, scanned images online at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Wednesday 04 of April, 2018 15:01:38 CDT by Beverly.