1748 Will - Joseph Reeve
New Jersey Will Records 6, p249(Original in Cumberland Will Records 14F)
11 Nov 1748
In the Name of God Amen I Joseph Reeve of the South Side of Cohancy County of Cumberland and Province of New Jersey being sick and weak but of sound mind and memory (Blessed be God therefore) do this Eleventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty eight in the Twenty second year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second make and Publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) Imprimis I commend my soul into the lands of Almighty God who gave it me and my Body to the Earth from whence it came to be buryed in a decent and Christian Burial and as for what worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me I dispose thereof as follows.First I Give and Bequeath unto my son Mark Reeve that one hundred acres of land which I purchased of Hannah Pierce Likewise seventy acres of land situate at Morris River adjoining to the lands of Gabriel Powell and William Cobb to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever after my Decease
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my son Joseph Reeve all my Home place or the place I now live on which has joyning to my son Mark Reeves Land to Begin at the North End of the side Bank that runs from Gilmans place up to Stores Island then along the Bank until it Comes to a Dream then up the Drean about ENE to the Twin then along the Ditch that runs above SSE to the Head then Runing a paralel line with Ayres land until it comes to the Edge of the Marsh called Middle Marsh then running along the Edge of the Marsha bounding with the upland till it Intersect ayres line then along ayes line to Middlemark Creek then up the said MiddleMark Creek rounding on the southernmost (?) Branch until it intersects the line of the said Mark Reeves land then along Mars line to Cohansey Creek then down the said Creek Bounding on the Several courses thereof to the mouth of a small Creek a Little above Joseph Bacons then up the said Little Creek to a branch that runs up against the Middle of Stores Island then up the Branch to the Head then running on a straight line to the place of Beginning To hold to him his heirs and assigns forever
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my son John Reeve all my lands lying to the westward of Josephs Land to be included in the following bounds viz to Begin at the Mouth of the aforesaid Little Creek above Joseph Bound? then to run up the said Creek Bounding on Josephs land to the Head then to Bound on the several corners of Josephs land untill it comes to Ayers land until to comes to Dickson Infields? line then along his line to (?) line at the said Creek Bounding thereon to the place of Beginning ..hold to him his heirs and assigns forever
Item I give and my will is that my son Samuel Reeve shall have all my lands and marsh situate on the South Side of MiddleMarch Creel be the same more or less To hold to him his heirs and assigns forever
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Reeve one hundred and fifty pounds to be paid to her by my executors hereafter named when she arrive to the age of twenty years
Item I Give and Beqeuath unto my son Benjamin Reeve three hundred pounds to be paid to him by me said Executor when he arrive to the age of hone and twenty years & further my will is that my said Daughter Mary Reeve shall be brought up out of the profits arising from my personal estate at the Discretion of my executors and that my son Benjamin shall be put as apprentice at the charge of my said executors hereafter named
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my three sons Joseph John and Samuel Reeve tow tracts of land situate at Morris River the one situate on the east side of the River called by the name of Dibbles Island Tract the other situate on the west side of the said Rover Joyning on the said River and the tract called the old Major to be equally Divided in Quantity and Quality amongst them their heirs or assigns Item my will is that all the residue and remainder of my lands and real estate whatsoever or wheresoever shall be equally divided in quantity and quality amongst my four sons Mark Joseph John and Samuel Reeve to hold to them their Heirs & assigns forever.
Item my will is that if either of my said four sons shall dye intestate and without issue that his or their part shall descend to my son Benjamin Reeve to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever ad I do make constitute and appoint my said son Mark & Joseph Reeve to be the sole executors of this my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I the said Joseph Reeve have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and year above written
Joseph Reeve (seal)
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Joseph Reeve as and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us whose names are hereunder written who did each of us subscribe our names as witnesses at his request and in presence in the room where he then was
Richd Wood
Dickasen Shepherd
Ebenzr Miller Jr
Be it remembered that on the first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty eight Before me Elias Colling surrogate of the County of Cumberland duly constituted personlly appeared Wood and Ebenezer Miller two of the witnesses to the within Will who being of the people called Quakers on his solemn affirmation which they took according to law did declare and affirm that they were present and saw Joseph Reeves the testator therein named sign and seal the same and heard him publish pronounce and declare the within written Instrument to be his Last Will and Testament and that at the doing thereof the said Testator was of sound & disposing mind memory and understanding so far as they know and as they verily Believe and that at the same time Dickasen Shepherd the other subscribing evidence was present and signed his name as Witness to the said Will Together with these affirments at the request and in the presence of the said Testator Richd Wood Ebenezr Miller Jr
Affirmed at Cohansey Bridge the Day and year above written Before me Elias Cotling
Be it remembered that the Last Will and Testament of Joseph Reeves being duly proved as above said probate and letters testamentary were granted by his excellency Jonathan Belcher Esr Governor of the Province of New Jersey &c unto Mark Reeve and Joseph Reeve the executors in the said Will named they being duly affirmed and Giving security well and truly to Administer the said Will and exhibit a true and perfect inventory and render a just account when thereunto lawfully required
Given under the Prerogative seal of the said Province at Burlington the twenty fourth day of March 1746
Cha Read Regr