1757 Deed - Thomas Reeves to Elizabeth Allen

1757 Deed - Thomas Reeves to Elizabeth Allen

1757 Deed – Thomas Reeves to Elizabeth Allen

Essex County, Virginia
Deed Book Vol 28, p. 51-52
16 Oct 1757


THIS INDENTURE made the 16th day of Obr. 1757 BETWEEN Thomas Reeves of Spotsylvania County, Planter in Virginia of the one part and Elizabeth Allen of Essex County Widow of the other part WITNESSETH that the said Thomas Reeves for an in Consideration of the sum of Twenty five pounds Current money of Virginia to him in hand well and truly paid by the said Elizabeth Allen the Receipt whereof and himself to be therewith fully Satisfied do Acknowledge and thereof & therefrom do Clearly & Absolute Acquit Exourate Release and Discharge the said Elizabeth Allen her heirs & Assigns by these Presents do fully Clearly and Absolutely give grant bargain Sell Alien Enfeoff and Confirm unto the sd. Elizabeth Allen her Heirs & Assigns two Hundred and fifty acres of Land be it more or Less Scituate (sic) Lying and being in the aforesaid County of Essex being the Land as Henry Reeves Deced, Bought of Edwin Thacker by Deed dated the first day of July 1691 BEGINING (sic) to be Measured at Two Corner Oaks Corner of Simon Copnell & To John Gatewoods Land and Runing (sic) thence North Eighty three Degrees, East two hundred & thirty Poles to the Land of John Cheeke to two red Oaks in his Line thence by the line north Eleven Degrees West Twenty four poles To the Land of Andrew Dyar to a Spanish Oak thence by his Line West by north Fifty Poles to a White Oak Thence north by East One hundred and Fifty three poles to the Land of Mr. Henry Awbrey to an Oak thence by his Line North By West one hundred & Sixty Poles to the Land of the said Simon Copnell thence Runing along his Land to the Beginning place and also all profits Comodities Emoluments & hereditaments & Appurtenances belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said Two hundred & fifty Acres of Land more or Less with all and Singular the premises and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances unto the said Elizabeth Allen her heirs and Assigns from henceforth & forever Subject Nevertheless to the Quitrents which from Henceforth shall grow due to be paid for and in Respect of the said Bargained Land & hereby unto their Majesties their heirs & Successors & the said Thomas Reeves for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators doth Covenant and Grant to and with the said Elizabeth Allen her heirs and Assigns Shall From time to time and at all times forever hereafter have hold Occupie Possess and Enjoy the said Two hundred and fifty Acres of Land be it more or less and all and Singular the Premisses (sic) before mentioned and Expressed without the Let Trouble suit Eviction hindrance or Disturbance of the said Thomas Reeves his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any other person or Persons whatsoever Claiming by from or Under him them or any of them IN WITNESS whereof the said Thomas Reeves hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal the day & year first above Written
Signed Sealed & Delivered                                                                   Tho. Reeves (L.S.)
In presence of . . . . . . .       }
Waters Dunn, John Hunt, Joseph Reeves         }
Richard Brown, Henry Allen, Thomas Haile     }
Rec’d November the 16th 1757, of Mrs. Elizabeth Allen Twenty Two pounds Current money as being the within Consideration money for the within mentioned Land as witness my hand and seal.
Test Waters Dunn                                                                                   Tho. Reeves (L.S.)
John Hunt
Thomas Haile
At a Court held for Essex County at the House of Forester Upshaw the 21st day of March 1758
This Deed Indented with the Receipt thereon Endorsed from Thomas Reeves to Elizabeth Allen was proved by the Oaths of Waters Dunn, Joseph Reeves and Thomas Haile three of the Witnesses thereto and on the Motion of the said Elizabeth is admitted to Record and is Recorded.
                                                                  John Lee CECur

Noted in Margin of Pg. 51
Original Deed Deliv’d Eliz:a Allens Son
Thos. Allen by her orders
May 4th 1758


Essex County VA Deed Book Vol 28, p. 51-52, scanned original images online at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Saturday 14 of April, 2018 08:54:32 CDT by Beverly.