1758 Will - Jonathan Reeves

1763 Will - Jonathan Reeve

1758 Will - Jonathan Reeve


New Jersey Will Records 11, p444
(Original in Burlington County Will Records 6795-6796)
9 May 1758


I Jonathan Reeve Jun of Northampton in the County of Burlington in the Western Division of the province of New Jersey Labourer being of good health and of sound and perfect Desposing mind and memory thanks be to God therefore Calling to mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die Do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament in manner following that is to say It is my will and I do hereby order that all my just Debts & funds or charges be well and truly paid and satisfied by my executors hereinafter named and also that my said executor may sell and convey my mare and my working tools at his discretion and anytime after the fifteenth day of November next ensuring the debt hereof
Item I Give and Bequeath unto Jonathan Patterson the son of Thomas Patterson of Northampton aforesaid the sum of fifteen pounds current money of New Jersey to be put to interest for him until he attain the age of twenty one years.
Item I give and bequeath unto my brother Barzilla Reeve and unto his three children namely John Reeve Elisabeth Reeve and Samuel Reeve all the rest and residue and remainder of my estate both real and personal (?) to them their heirs and assigns forever equally to be divided between them or their survivors of them share and share alike
And further I do hereby nominate and appoint & constitute ordain my true and trusty friend John Mullin of Northampton aforesaid Carpenter as (?) executor of this my Last Will and Testament as also my true & lawfull attorney for my and in my name and to my use? to ask demand sue for levy recover and receive all such sum and sums of money debts dues goods wares and effects whatsoever belonging to me and in anywise detained from my by any person or persons whatsoever Hereby Giving and Granting unto my said Attorney my full and whole power and authority to take persue and follow all lawful ways and means for the recovery thereof Hereby ratifying allowing and confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament And also whatsoever my said attorney shall lawfully do in and about the premiess by Virtue of these presents
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Ninth Day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty fifty eight
Jonathan Reeve his mark (Seal)
Signed Sealed published pronounced & Declared by the said Jonathan Reeve as his Last will and tsam? in the presence of us Martha Burr John Burr Junr
John Burr one of the witnesses to the within will being of the people called Quakers and duly affirmed according to law did Declare and Affirm that he was present and saw Jonathan Reeves the testator therein named sign and seal the same and heard him publish pronounce and Declare the within instrument to be his last will and Testament and that at the Doing thereof the the said Testator was of sound and Disposing mind memory and understanding as far as he knows and as he verily believes and that Martha Burr the other subscribing evidence was present at the same time and signed her name together with this affirmation in the presence of the said Testator John Burr Jur
Affirmed at Burlington the 29th January Anno Dom 1763 Before Saml Allinson Surrogate


Note that the recorded version appears to be dated "One thousand seven hundred and sixty eight" but the original is more clear and reads "fifty eight."


FamilySearch - New Jersey Will Records 11, p444