1771-1784 Wake Co., NC Court Minutes, Book I
September 1771 Court
Read the Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of the upper end of Wake County praying a road be that leads from Munns Store to Wake Court House may be Contd. From the Store from the Store to Orange line at the Waggon Path that goes to Worsham Glenns ford on Enoe River and the following Persons to lay out the same (towit) Thomas Stroud, William Reves, Samuel Peak, Woodson Daniel, Thomas Farrell, David Geer, Richard Clements, James Howell, Peter Coffa, William Downs, George Jordon, John Alston, John Humphreys.
December 1774 Court
A deed from Thomas Satterwhite to Peter Coffee was in Open Court duly proved by William Reeves and Ordered to be registered.
Ordered that the Grand Jury be Called which was done and they Consist of the following Persons towit,
Grand Jury: 1. Nathaniel Jones Foreman, 2. Nathaniel Kimbrough, 3. John Rogers, 4. James Moor, 5. Peleg Rogers, 6. John Shaw, 7. Aaron Rogers, 8. William Reeves, 9. Burwell Pope, 10. William Walton, 11. Josiah Crudup, 12. Isham Hendun, 13. William Uttley, 14. Francis Perry, 15. Jacob Bledsoe, 16. Brittain Fuller, 17. Drury Cade, 18. Arthur Cook, 19. John Atkins
September-December 1775 Court
Ordered that William Reeves be Overseer of the Road in the Room of Richard Clemonts and that the same hands work on said Road under him.
June 1777 Court
Ordered that the following Persons be Overseers of the Roads in the County of Wake (To-wit)
...That William Reeves be Overseer from Munns Store to the County Line...
September 1777 Court
Ordered that the following persons be assessors in the County of Wake (to wit)...In Capt. Daniels District, Assessors - Richard Banks, Samuel Peck, William Reeves; Justice Joseph Davis; Constable Wm. Ferrell...
December 1777 Court
A Deed from Samuel Peck to John Pruit was in Open Court duly proved by the Oath of William Reeves a Witness thereto and Ordered to be Registred.
Ordered that the following person be appointed tax gathurers in the following districts towit: Isaac Hunter in Capt. Hillsman District, Lodiwick Alford in Capt. Alford's District, Joshua Sugg in Capt. Beddingfields District, Aaron Sugg in Capt. Uttley District, Aaron Read in Capt. Mobleys District, William Reeves in Capt. Daniels District, John Humphries Vae in Capt. Bledsoes District, Nathaniel Jones in Capt. Phillips District, Lodiwick Alford in Capt. Miales District, William Myatt in Capt. Myatts District, James Alford in Capt. Powells District
John Humphries, Nathaniel Jones, Aaron Sugg, Lodiwick Alford, Joshua Sugg, Lodiwick Alform (sic), William Myatt and William Reeves being appointed Tax gatherers in this County came into Court and gave Bond with approved Security agreeable to law.
February 1778 Court
Ordered that the following Persons be Summoned to attend the next Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Wake (towit)...William Reeves...
June 1778 Court
William Reeves having been Appointed taxgatherer in Capt. Daniel District produced an account thereof amounting to fiftysix pounds One Shillings & Six pence proclamation Money which was Settled and the Money paid into the hands of Thomas Wootten Esq. County Treasurer.
Ordered that the following Persons attend Hillsborough Superior Court next as Jurors (to wit) Josiah Crudup, Thomas Walton, Henry Warren, John Pullin, William Reeves, John Humphries (Va.) Venue issd.
September 1778 Court
A Deed from William Reeves Junior to James comer was in Open Court duly proved by the Oath of John Scogins a Witness thereto and Ordered to be Registred.
Ordered that Mary Reeves orphan of George Reeves deced. be bound unto Reuben Allen unto She come to age at this time being Eight Years of Age.
Ordered that John Reeves orphan of George Reeves deced. be bound an Apprentice unto Woodson Daniel untill he come to the Age of twenty one Years being about this time the Age of three Years.
Ordered that the following Persons attend the next County Court of Pleas to be held for the County of Wake to serve as jurors (towit) …William Reeves…
December 1778 Court
Ordered that the Grant Jury be called whereupon the following Persons were Qualified (to wit)...William Reeves...
June 1779 Court
Ordered that the following Persons attend the next County Court to be held for the County of Wake (towit)... William Reeves...
March 1780 Court
Ordered that the following Persons attend the next Superior Court to be held for the
June 1780 Court
Ordered that the following persons be assessors in the County of Wake for the ensuing Year present Year (towit): ...Capt. Daniel District – Assessor William Reeves, Justice Richard Banks, Constable William Ferrell...
The following grants being Exhibited, Ordered that they be Registred: ...William Reeves, 505 Acres, No. of Grant 44...
December 1780 to March 1781 Court
A Deed from George Jordan to Micajah Ferrell was in Open Court duly proved by the Oath of William Reeves a Witness thereto and Ordered to be Registered.
September 1781 Court
William Reeves having been appointed taxgatherer for the Year 1780 came into Court and settled an account of his collection amounting to £10,184:19:4, at the same time produced an account against said Collection amounting to £348:3:4 which leaves a balance due to the State of £9736:16.
(issued) Ordered that the following Persons attend the next Superior Court to be held for the District of Hillsborough then and there to serve and as Jurors (to wit): William Reeves, Samuel Peak, Benjamin Blake, John Bradford, Reubin Allen, John Jones.
June 1782 Court
The following grants Having been Exhibited were Ordered to be Registred. (towit)...William Reaves, 400 Acres, No. of Grant 685...
September 1782 Court
Ordered that the following Persons attend the next Superior Court to be held for the District of Hillsborough then & there to serve as Jurors to wit: William Speight, John Medares, Samuel Pearson, William Reeves, Benja. Smith, and Peter Coffee.
June 1783 Court
Ordered that William Reeves be allowed the sum of three pounds eight Shillings and Six pence Specie for his attendance at Hillsbo. Superior Court as a Juryman, as P: Ticket filed & that the same be paid out of the County tax.
Ordered that William Reeves be allowed the sum of Two pounds four Shillings and Six pence for his attendance at Hillsbo. Superior Court as a Juror as proved by Britain Sanders Esq. Sheriff, and that the same be paid out of the County tax.
September 1783 Court
Ordered that Sterling Harriss, William Reeves, Matthew Holding, Joel Simms, William Barker, Thomas Roberson attend the next Supr. Court for the District of Hillsborough as Jurors. (Issd.)
March 1784 Court
Ordered that William Reeves be allowed the Sum of four Pounds eighteen Shillings Specie for his attendance as a Juror at Hillsborough Superior Court as P: Ticket filed.
Wake County, North Carolina County Court Minutes Book I, 1771 thru 1784Transcribed and Published by Weynette Parks Haun