1781 Will - Sarah Reeve
Dated: 29 Jan 1781, Bocking, EssexProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 22 Jun 1781
Recorded: Piece 1079 (Webster), folio 236 reverse
I Sarah Reeve of Bocking in the County of Essex Widow do make my last Will and Testament as follows I give unto Mrs Mary Nicobey of Bocking in Essex widow the clear yearly rent or annuity of twenty pounds to be paid her quarterly during her natural life at the place of her abode on the feasts of Ladyday Midsummer day Michaelmas day and Christmas day in every year the first payment thereof to be made on the first of those days which shall happen next after my decease and in case the sayd Mary Nicoby shall die in the middle of a Quater I will that the whole of such Quarter shall be paid to her representatives as if the said Mary Nicobey had lived to the end of such Quarter with which annuity I charge all my moiety or half part or other share and interest of and in the manor of Dives and Petches? and the capital messuage thereto belonging and all my lands tenements and hereditaments with the rights members and appurtenances situate and being in the Parish of Finchingfield in the County of Essex in the tenure or occupation of Elizabeth Steele and my will is that in case the said Annuity or any part thereof shall be behind or unpaid by the spare of twenty days next after either of the aforesaid feasts whereon the same is hereinbefore directed to be paid that then and so often it shall and may be lawful for the said Mary Nicobey and her assigns to enter on the said Premises and distain for the same and dispose of such distress as in case of rent in arrear and subject to such annuity or rent charge I give and devise the said moiety or half part or other share or interest of and in the said manor messuage lands and premises unto my nephew Thomas Ruggles his heirs and assigns for ever I give and devise all that my wood called Mark Wood with the Appurtenances containing about one hundred acres be the same more or less lying in or near the Parish of Little Bardfield in the said County of Essex unto my Nephew William Walford the younger and the heirs of his Body lawfully issuing and in default of such issue I give and devise the said wood with the Appurtenances unto my said Nephew Thomas Ruggles his heirs and assigns foreverI give to my sister Anne Walkford four hundred pounds I also give to her for her life the use of all that part of my household furniture linen chia plate pictures and other things belonging to me which shall at the time of my decease be in or about my capital messuage called Spainshall of which messuage I am in possession as tenant for life under the will of my late Nephew John Ruggles deceased And from and immediately after the decease of my said sister I give the said household furniture linen china plate pictures and other things unto my said Nephew Thomas Ruggles for his own absolute use and benefit And I direct my executors upon my deease and delivery of the said household furniture and other things to my said sister to cause an exact inventory to be made thereof to be signed by my said sister and kept by them I also give to my said sister my two silver tea pots my chamber clock my worked carpets and fire screen and my chariot and sedan chair I give my one thirty second part or share of the ship Bosborough in the service of the East India Company and all the profits arising therefrom which shall be due to me at the time of my decease unto my said Nephew Thomas Ruggles
I give and devise my messuage or tenement called Road? Will house in which I now reside situate in Bocking with the yards gardens orchards and Appurtenances thereunto belonging and also my house called walls and the field belonging thereto which I purchased of Benjamin Hayward and is in the tenure or occupation of Bartlett Browne and William Wood situate in Bocking aforesaid together with all Appurtenances thereunto belonging unto and to the use of Mr Joseph Savil the younger of Bocking aforesaid eldest son of Mr. Joseph Savil the elder and of my niece Mary Savil his iwfe his heirs and assigns forever I also give to the said Mr Joseph Savil the younger four hundred pounds for his own use and benefit
I give and devise my messuage or tenement called Wakes Ball with the lands tenements hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto belonging situate and being in or near the Parishes of Belchamp Saint Pauls and Ovington in the said County of Essex in the tenure or occupation of Joseph Newman unto and to the use of Mrs. Mary Walker wife of the Reverend Mr Walker of Bocking aforesaid and daughter of the said Mr and Mrs Savil the elder and her assigns for and during the term of his life without impeachment of waste and from and immediately after her decease I give and devise the same premises unto and to the use of such person or persons and for such estate and estates uses intents and purposes and in such parts shares and proportions and with and under such powers conditions restrictions and limitations as the said Mary Walker notwithstanding her coverture and whether she shall be covert? or sole by any deed or deeds writing or writings under her hand and seal executed in the presence of and attested by two or more readible witnesses with or without power of revocation or by her last Will and Testament in writing or any writing purporting to be or in the nature of her last Will and Testament executed in the presence of and attested by three or more readible witnesses shall direct limit or appoint the same. And for want of such direction limitation or appointment or incase any such shall be when and so soon as the estates and interests thereby limited shall respectively end and determine and as to such part and parts of the said Premises whereof no such direction limitation or appointment shall be made unto and to the use of the right heirs of the said Mary Walker for ever I also give to the said Mrs Mary Walker four hundred pounds
I give and devise all that my annuity or rent charge of twenty pounds a year issuable and payable for ever out of an estate in Little Bardfield in the said County of Essex late in the possession of Arthur Incklin and since of John English of Bocking deceased unto and to the use of Mr John Savil of Bocking aforesaid youngest son of the said Mr and Mrs Savil the elder his heirs and assigns for ever I also give to the said Mr John Savil four hundred pounds
I give to Thomas Screarfield of Stoke Newington in the County of Middlessex Esquire one thousand pounds and also all the household furniture of every kind plate linen china pictures books and other things which I shall not have disposed of at the time of my decease except the garden utensils which are disposed of which were largely in or about the dwelling house of my late nephew John Ruggles in Bradford Street in Bocking which house my said Nephew gave by his will to the said Mr Strearfield
I give to the before named Mr Joseph Savil the younger the sum of four hundred pounds upon trust to lay out and invest the same in his own name in any Government or real security and to change the same from time to time as he shall think proper for the benefit of the children of Mr Samuel Ruggles of Dedham in the County of Essex B? in manner following that is to say in trust to pay the interest and dividends thereof or of such part thereof as shall not be applied to the purpose hereinafter mentioned unto the said Samuel Ruggles their father for so long during his life as his aid children or any of them shall be living and under the age of twenty one years for their maintenance and in case the said Samuel Ruggles shall die during the minority of such children or any of them the I will that such interest and dividends shall be applied for the benefit of the said children or such of them as shall be living in such manner as the said Mr Joseph Savil his executors or administrators shall think fit and I further will that when and as such children shall become of proper age to be put out apprentice the said Mr Savil his executors or Administrators shall apply and pay so much of the said principal sum of four hundred pounds or of the securities in which the same shall be invested as he shall think proper as an apprentice fee with such children and further I will that the said Mr Joseph Savil his executors or Administrators ahll pay unto each of such children those who shall have been apprenticed as well as those whi shall not the sum of thirty pounds when and as soon as such child shall respectively attain his or her age of twenty one years and when the youngest of the said children of the said Samuel Ruggles shall have attained his or her age of twenty one years then I direct the remainder of the said principal moies and such part of the interest as shall be unapplied as aforesaid after payment as aforesaid of the said apprentice fees and the said sum of thirty pounds to each of such children to be equally divided among such of the said children and in case but one of the said children shall be then living them to pay or transfer the whole thereof to such only child and in case all the said children shall die under the age of twenty one then I direct that the same shall ? into and become a part of the residue of my personal estate I give the further sum of two hundred pounds to the said Mr Joseph Savil the younger upon trust to lay out and invest the same in his own name in Government or real security and to pay and apply the interest or yearly proceed thereof for or towards the maintenance and education or otherwise for the benefit as he shall think proper of Rebecca Rankin the youngest daughter of Mrs Rebecca Rankin of Safron Walden in the County of Essex during her minority or until she marries and upon the attainment of her age of twenty one years or marriage which shall first happen upon trust to pay or transfer the said sum of two hundred pounds or the stock or fund in which the same shall be vested and the interest or yearly produce thereof if any shall remain unaplied to the purposes aforesaid to the said Rebecca Rankin the younger to and for her own use and benefit but in case she should depart this life under the said age and unmarried I give the said sum of two hundred pounds and such unapplied interest or ? proceed thereof if any to the said Mr Joseph Savil the younger to and for his own use and benefit over and above what I have before given him
I give to the Reverend Mr Thomas Dividson Minister of the Protestant Dissenting Congregation at Bocking aforesaid fifty pounds
I give to my executor hereinafter named three hundred pounds to be distributed by him amongst poor protestant dissenting Ministers at his discretion
I give to the ? for the time being of the Society for the Education of Students for the Ministry amongst the Protestant Dissenters commonly called the Kings Head Society one hundred pounds for the use of the said Society
I give to each of my servants who shall be living with me at the time of my decease one years wages besides what may be then due to them
I give unto my niece Mary Savil the elder all my wearing apparel and also all the rest of my estate real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever I give and devise unto my said niece Mary Savil the elder her heirs and assigns forever and of this my last Will hereby revoking all former wills & constitute and appoint the said Mr Streatfield sole executor in witness whereof I have to the three first sheets of this my will contained in four sheets of paper set my hand and to this last sheet thereof my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty one
Sarah Reeve (LS)
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Sarah Reeve the testatrix as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
Jona Hammers Bocking Miller
Thos Pasfield Bocking Bricklayer
Nathl Boosey? Bocking Grocer
Whereas I Sarah Reeve of Bocking in Essex widow have appointed Thomas Streatfield of Stoke Newington Middlesex sole executor to my last will & Testament now I do by this writing direct the said Thomas Streatfield to pay the sum of one hundred pounds to Mrs Sarah Forsaith wife of Samuel Forsaith I give to my nephew Mr Joseph Savill one hundred pounds over and above what I have left him in my will
I give to my sister Ann Walford the Picture of my nephew John Ruggles Esquire
I give to my Nephew Wm Walford son of Wm and Ann Walkford my silver castas silver tankard and large silver salve my diamond ring whcih I had for my honoured father a five guiea piece and thirty crown pieces my gold medall and my plain gold watch I give to Mrs Ruggles wife of my nephew Thos Ruggles Esqr one Diamond Ring for the little finger I give my niece Savill wife of Mr Joseph Savill Munr of Bocking my Gold cahsed watch I give to my niece Mrs Mary Walker wifeo f the Revd Mr Sayer Walker my diamond Rings not before disposed of my Gold snuff box diamond stayhook and twenty crown pieces and gold equipage likewise all the shirts at Spains hall belonging to my late dear Brother Sam Ruggles Esqr with all the wearing Apparel of my late Sister Ruggles wife of the said Saml Ruggles the residue of my personal estate that I have not disposed of by my will nor in this paper. I give to Mrs Mary Savill wife of Mr Joseph Savill Junr in case she should not survive me I order and direct in that case the same to be given to her daughter Mrs. Mary Walker
Sarah Reeve
Desire to be kept fourteen days
22 June 1781
Whereas Personally Thomas Streatfield of Stoke Newington in the County of Middlesex Esquire and Oliver Cromwell of the Million Bank London Gentleman and severally made oath as follows and first the said Thomas Streatfield for himself made oath that he hath for twenty five years and upwards last past known and been intimately acquainted with Sarah Reeve late of Bocking in the Couty of Essex widow deceased who died upon the fifteenth day of this instant month of June and further made oath that he is the sole executor named in the last will and Testament of the said deceased the said will with a codicil thereto being now hereunto annexed the said will bearing date the twenty ninth day of January in the present year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty one and the said Codicil beginning thus...