Will of William Rives
Camden District, Kershaw County, South Carolina
26 Aug 1783
Recorded in Will Book A1 Page 77
Apt. 59 Pkg. 2077 (Ordinary Unknown)
In the Name of God Amen, I William Rives Esqr. of Camden District & State South Carolina being Sick and Weak in body, but of sound mind Memory & understanding, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, (to wit) Item, First, I will the use of my Plantation whereon I now live unto my beloved Wife Lucy Rives during of her natural Life. Secondly, Item, I will unto my said Wife Lucy one Negroe man Slave named Jimmy to her & her Heirs or Assigns for ever. Thirdly, Item, I Will that my plantation Situated on the River be by my Executors Valued at Cash Price, Fourthly, Item, I Will and bequeath unto my Son Henry Rives as much Cash Money as will amount to the one half value of my river Plantation as before mentioned the said Money to be made and Raised out of my Personal Estate to purchase a Plantation for himself at his own discretion, Fifthly, Item, I Will & Bequeath unto my two Sons Green Rives & William Rives my plantation situated on the River as aforesaid to be equally divided between them by my Executors when William shall arrive to the age of one & twenty year. Sixthly, Item, I Will that those Negroes falling to my young Children being under Age at my Death to be continued to work on my River Plantation until William shall arrive to the Age of twenty one Years, as aforesaid as also the Negro Bequeathed to my Wife Named Jimmy to be Continued on the said Plantation for the use and benefit of my young Children & my Wife in proportion to her own Negro. Seventhly, Item, I will and unto my Son Silas Rives the plantation whereon I now live to him his Heirs & Assigns forever, Eighthly, I Will that my Tract of Land Situated in Ninety Six District said to Contain Five Hundred Acres, and also my Lands Situated on Pd. Near Marrs Bluff or otherwise the Bond that I have for Titles for the said pd. Land. I Will to my Son John Rives his Heirs and Assigns forever. Ninthly, Item, I Will that all Accompts (sic ?) be adjusted and all my Just Debts be paid and the money bequeathed to Henry Rives. Tenthly, Item, then my Will and desire is that the Remaining part of my personal Estate be by my Executors equally divided between and amongst my well beloved Wife Lucy and Sons Henry, Green, William, Silas, John and my Daughter, Rebecca Hutchitson, and the one half of my Wife part I will and bequeath to her and her heirs and assigns forever, the other half after her Death, I Will to my Sons his Heirs and Assigns forever, and each ones part of the personal Estate to them and their Heirs and Assigns forever. I also do anominate and appoint my friends Col. Thomas Taylor and my Brother Timothy Rives and beloved Sons Henry Rives and Green Rives my whole and Sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament, In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and seal the Day & year first Written in the presence of us -
James Baird William Rives (Seal)
Priscilla Rives
Elizabeth (her x mark) Rives