1786 Deed - David & Rachel Reeve to Edward Hancock Jr.
Salem County, New JerseyDeed Book Y, p142
18 Mar 1786
This Indenture made this eighteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty six Between David Reeve of the township of Lower Alloways Creek in the County of Salem and State of New Jersey yeoman of the one part and Edward Hancock Junr of the same place and State aforesaid storekeeper of the other part witnesseth that the said David Reeve and Rachel his wife for and in consideration of the sum of twelve pounds current money of New Jersey to them in hand paid at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the right whereof is hereby acknowledged am thereunto fully satisfied contented and fully paid and doth quit and discharge him the said Edward Hancock Junr his heirs executors administrators and assigns and every of them forever by these presents hath granted bargained sold aliened feoffed conveyed and confirmed unto the said Edward Hancock Junr his heirs and assigns forever a small lot of land lying and being on the north east side of the great road that leads from Greenwich to Salem near Stow Creek Bridge in the County aforesaid it being bounded as followeth viz Beginning at Edward Bradways corner stake standing in the road from thence north sixty three degrees east twenty rods to a stake stands in the marsh thence north twenty five and a qaurter west eight rods to a stake standing in the marsh for a corner thence south sixty three degrees west twenty rods to a stone standing in the road for a corner thence south twenty five and a quarter east eight rods to the place of Beginning containing within these bounds one acre of land and marsh be the same more oe less it being a part of land a tract containing three hundred and thirty four acres which John Butler bought by and bargain & sale having date 26th day of May Anno Domini 1725 of Henry Ballonged for the consideration therein mentioned reference thereunto had may more at large appear & whereas David Reeves purchase of John Buthar? three hundred and eleven acres and three quarters of the aforesaid tract of land by deed of bargain and sale having date the thirty first day of May one thousand seven hundred and forty it being a part of a tract of land that John Bestheon? bough of Henry Ballinger reference unto the said deed may now at large appear & whereas David Reeve did by last will and testament having date the fourteenth day of October one thousand seven hundred and forty nine being lawfully proved in which the said David Reeve did will a part of the aforesaid tract of land to his son David Reeve to him and his heirs and assigns forever reference being had to the said will may more at large appear and whereas the said David Reeve did by his last will and testament bearing date the fifth day of November one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine did divide the aforesaid tract of land given him by his father between his three sons and care other of his three sons vi David Jasua or Moses should die under age or without heirs their shear should be divided between the survivors of them by which means David Reeves and Rachel his wife by the death of their brother Moses became lawfully seased &c to twenty five acres of land lying on the northeast sode of the great it being a part and parcel of the aforesaid three hundred and Aleven acres of land and marsh bought of John Butler as by reference to said will may more at large appear and whereas the said David Reeve did by his will give to his wife Julianer Reeve the rents of his land during her life but as it appear that the said Julianer Reeve hath signed away all her right of sower by a quit claim under hand and seal to the aforesaid 25 acres of land to her son David Reeve for the consideration therein mentioned as reference to the quick claim together with all and singular the mines minerals waters & water courses rights priviledges improvements hereditaments and appurtenances unto the same belonging or any ways appurtaining prophit thereof and all the estate right title interest claim demands whatsoever either in law or equity of the said David Reeve and Rachel his wife and their heirs of in and to the said premises hereby granted or any part or parcel thereof to have and to hold all and singular the said one acre of land and marsh and premises above mentioned or intended to be hereafter granted be the same more or less unto the said Edward Hancock Junr his heirs or assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Edward Hancock Junr his heirs and assigns forever and the said David Reeve and Rachel Reeve his wife for their selves their heirs executors administrators or assigns doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said Edward Hancock Junr his heirs & assigns in manner and forme as followeth that is to say that they the said David Reeve and Rachel Reeves his wife now at the time of the sealing and delivery hereof are and do stand lawfully seized in the said one acre of land and premises hereby granted of an absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple and have in themselves good right full power lawful and absolute authority to grant bargain and sell the same unto the said Edward Hancock Junr his heirs and assigns forever according to the inner purport true intent and meaning of these presents and the said David Reeve and Rachel Reeve his wife the said one acre of land situate bounded being and containing as aforesaid and premises unto the said Edward Hancock Junr his heirs and assigns against them selves the said David Reeve & Rachel Reeve his wife and other heirs and assigns against all and every other person or persons whatsoever that shall or may claim any lawful estate right or title thereunto or to any part or parcel thereof shall and will warrant and forever defend In witness whereof they said David Reeve and Rachel Reeve his wife have hereunto set their hand and seals dated the day and year above written.David Reeve
Rachel (her x mark) Reeve
Sealed and delivered in the presents of us
Isaac Evans
John Prearrty
Received of Edward Hancock Junr March the 18 1786 the full contents of the within deed I say received by me David Reeve Justice L12.0.0
Isaac Evans
John Prearty
Salem County personally appeared before me the subscriber one of the Commissioners for taking the acknowledgements and proff of deeds in and for said County Jonathan Hildrith Esqr of the township of Lower Alloway Creek in the County aforesaid and being by me duly sworn according to law doth depose and say that he is well acquainted with the hand writing of David Reeve the within named grantor and believes that the name is the proper signatore of the said David Reeve by him signed and also that he is acquainted with the hand writing of John Prearity one of the subscribing witnesses and believes that the within name is the proper signature of the said John Prearity and by him signed as a witness to the within deed
Jonathan Hildrith
prooved and subscribed before me the 6th
January 1821 Morris Hancock
Received and Recorded January 12th 1821 Newell Clk