1787 Deed - John Ball et al to John Lumpkin, Jr.
Essex County, Virginia
Deed Book 33, pg 64-65
29 January 1787
THIS INDENTURE made this tenth day of July in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and eighty seven Between John Ball and Jane his wife of his wife of the County of Pittsylvania and Patience Ball of the County of Essex of the one part, and John Lumpkin Junior of the County of King & Queen of the other part, Witnesseth that the said John Ball and Jane, his wife & Patience Ball for and in Consideration of the Sum of Fifty pounds Specie to them in hand paid or secured to be paid by the said John Lumpkin Junr. The receipt whereof they do hereby Acknowledge they the sd. John Ball and Jane his wife & Patience Ball have given granted Bargained and sod and by these presents do give, grant, Bargain, & Sell unto the said John Lumpkin Jr his heirs & assigns a Certain piece or parcel of Land Situate lying and being in the Pariah of Southfarnham and County of Essex and Containing by estimation eighty Acres, be the same more or less, bounded by the ands of James Booker, Stephen Ball, Abner Ball, William Ball and Ambrose Cook & Eliza. His wife, it being one half of the Tract of Land Devised by Austin Ball Decd to his mother Patience for life and at her death to be equally divided between his two Sisters Eliza. and Henrietta together with all improvements and Advantages whatsoever to the said piece or parcel of Land belonging or Appertaining and all the estate right Title property Claim or demand of them the same John Ball & Jane his wife & Patience Ball their heirs Executors & Administrators in or to the same. To have and to hold the sd. Piece or parcel of Land and premises hereby conveyed and the appurtenances unto the said John Lumpkin Junr. His heirs Executors, Admers.or Assigns that they the said John Ball and Jane his wife & Jane his Wife & Patience Ball and their heirs the said Land and premises hereby Conveyed unto the sd. John Lumpkin Jr. his heirs & Assigns against them the sd. John Ball & Jane his Wife and Patience Ball and their heirs and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever shall and will Warrant and forever defend by these presents IN WITNESS whereof the sd. John Ball, Jane his Wife & Patience Ball have hereunto set their hands & Seals the day and Year above written.Signed Sealed & Acknowledged } John Ball (Seal)
In presence of us } her
Robt. Lumpkin Patience T Ball
Wm. Ball mark
Richard Lumpkin
Received on the day of the date of the within Written Indenture of and from the within Named John Lumpkin Junr. The sum of Fifty pounds it being the full Consideration within expressed.
WITNESS } John Ball
Robt. Lumpkin } Patience X Ball
William Ball
Richard Lumpkin
At a Court held for Essex County at Tappahannock on Monday the 16th day of July 1787. This Deed – Indented with the receipt thereon endorsed were proved by the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Hancock Lee D Clk
Truly recorded
John Smith D Clk