1773 Will - Jonathan Reeves
Dated: 26 Jun 1773, West Ham, EssexProbated: Consistory Court of London, DL/C/429/265/1, 1 Jun 1787
In the Name of God Amen. I Jonathan Reeves of the Parish of West Ham Essex, Clerk, being of a sound mind, and mindful of my own mortality, do order this my last Will & TestamentIn confidence that my beloved wife Elizabeth Reeves, will do the best she can for my children, and fearing she will want most or all that I can leave for to bring up my children & to give them a liberal education I do therefore give & bequeath to my dear & beloved wife my two policies which I have in the join stock of the Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance office in Serjant Jun Fleet street London together with all the profit arising from the same; I do likewise give & bequeath to my beloved wife all my houshold furniture of every sort & kind my plate & wearing apparel, my books, likewise the lease of the house I now live in at West Ham; and after all my just debts are paid & funeral expences I do give & bequeath to my said wife all monies which may be owing to me, or which I may be any wise intitled to at the time of my decease; and I do constitute & appoint my beloved wife Elizabeth Reeves to be executrix to this my last Will and Testament, and I do revoke all other & former wills made at any time by me in witness whereof I have set my hand this twenty sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy three
Jonathan Reeve
This will was proved on the first Day of June, in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, before the Worshipfull George Harris Doctor of Laws Surrogate &c bu the oath of Elizabeth Reeves widow the relict and late executrix to whom Administration was granted being sworn duly to Administer.
Jonathan Reeves of King's College in the University of Cambridge Clerk made oath that he was acquainted with Jonathan Reeves who died "on or about 13 May last." Dated 1 Jun 1787