1787 Partition Deed - Land of Joshua Reeve

1787 Partition Deed - Land of Joshua Reeve

1787 Partition Deed - Land of Joshua Reeve


Suffolk County, New York
Partition Deed Book A, p35
Dated: 11 Dec 1787
Recorded: 14 Oct 1788


In obedience to an order of the Honorable inferiour Court of Common Pleas of the County of Suffolk held at the County Hall in and for said County on the fourth Day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred & Eighty Eight appointing us Jared Landon Daniel Osborn & Thomas Hitchinson commissioners to make partition of the Lands & real estate which belonged to Joshua Reeve of Southold in said County deceased, among the heirs and proprietors of the said lands & real estate, as by the Records of the said Court fully appears: We the said Jared Landon Daniel Osborn and Thomas Hutchinson Commissioners as aforesaid Have made partition of the said Lands & real estate (having first taken the oath prescribed and by an act of the legislature of the state of New York, entitled, an act for the partition of lands "passed the sixteenth Day of March 1785, before Selah Strong Esquire first Judge of said Court that is to say, To Joshua Reeve, Mehitable Reeve, Mary Reeve and Joseph Reeve minors & heirs of the said Joshua Reeve deceased one equal portion right or share to each of them in & to all the lands & real estate of the said Joshua Reeve deceased in quality & quantity, and to Ezra Woodhull, a minor one equal half part in quantity and quality of a certain tract of land & meadow lying at Indian Neck so called in Southold aforesaid, owned and being in Common and undivided between the said Heirs of the said Joshua Reeve Deceased and the said Ezra Woodhull, and to Jared Landon Esquire one equal half part in Quantity & Quality of a certain piece of meadow lying at Goose Creek so called in Southold aforesaid owned and being in common & undivided between the said heirs of the said Joshua Reeve deceased & the said Jared Landon Esquire which said partition is in manner following
To the said Joshua Reeve son of the said Josha Reeve deceased a certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in Southold aforesaid commonly known and called by the name of Dickinsons Lot containing about Twenty four acres be the same more or less, bounded westerly by a road or highway that leads from the south to the north Road, northwardly by the said North Road, southerly by the Lands of Peter Daines, easterly by the lands of Ichabod Cleaveland. Also about nine acres of woodland be the same more or less, as the same is bounded & set off by stakes, stones & monuments by us for that purpose erected & set up, northerly by the sound, easterly by land hereby allotted to Mehitabel Reeve, southerly partly by land hereby allotted to the said Mehitable Reeve and partly by land hereby allotted to the said Joshua Reeve westerly by woodland hereby allotted to the said Joshua Reeve also one other tract of land containing about twenty three acres and a half be the same more or be it less bounded southerly by the aforesaid north road, west by the lands of Thomas Hubbard, northwardly partly by the wood lands before mentioned & hereby allotted to the said Joshua Reeve & partly by the several lots of woodland hereby allotted to the said Mary Reeve & Joseph Reeve, easterly by lands hereby allotted to the said Mehitable Reeve, also a piece of upland at the aforesaid Indian Neck, bounded westerly by the lands of Elijah Terry, southerly by lands hereby allotted to the said Ezra Woodhull, easterly by lands hereby allotted to the said Mehitable Reeve, northwordly partly by the meadow & partly by the land of Benjamin Wells, also a certain piece of meadow at the said Indian Neck bounded easterly by meadows hereby allotted to the said Mehitable Reeve northwardly by the land of the said Benjamin Wells all other ways by the land last mentioned to be allotted to the said Joshua Reeve.
To the said Mehitable Reeve about eleaven acres of woodland be the same more or less bounded southerly by the clear land hereby allotted to her the said Mehitable Reeve. Easterly by a certain pond, common land or whatsoever was the eastern boundary of said land when owned by the said Joshua Reeve deceased northwardly by the sound, westerly by the woodland hereby allotted to the said Joshua Reeve. Also forty five acres of woodland? or thereabouts be the same more or less bounded southerly by the aforesaid north road westerly by the aforesaid clear land herein before allotted to the said Joshua Reeve northerly partly by the aforesaid woodland allotted to the said Mehitable Reeve and partly by the woodland herein before allotted to the said Joshua Reeve, easterly by the land of Jonathan Horton Junr? of said Town, also a piece of land at the said Indian neck containing about four acres be the same more or less bounded westerly by the land in said neck herein before allotted to the said Joshua Reeve southerly by the land herein allotted to the said Ezra Woodhull all other ways by the meadow, Also a piece of meadow in said Neck bounded northwardly partly by a small gutter that is the division line between the said meadow & the meadow hereby allotted to the said Ezra Woodhull, and partly by the land of the said Benjamin Wells, eastwardly partly that is to say northward of a gutter by the said meadow hereby allotted to the said Ezra Woodhull, and on the southward side of said Gutter to extend eastward to the meadow of Benjamin Davise & to the creek, westerly by the meadow herein before allotted to the said Joshua Reeve.
To the said Mary Reeve a piece of woodland containing about ten acres be the same more or less bounded westerly by the land of Thomas Hubbard northerly by the sound, easterly by lands hereby allotted to the said Joseph Reeve southerly by lands herein before allotted to the said Joshua Reeve also a certain piece of land containing about fourteen acres be the same more or less with the Barn thereon standing, bounded westerly by the land of Zacheus Goldsmith, northwardly by the land of Whelock Booth easterly partly by the aforesaid Cross Road, and partly by the land hereby allotted to the said Joseph Reeve. Southwardly partly by the aforesaid south Road & partly by the said Land hereby allotted to the said Joseph Reeve also a piece of meadow at Goose Creek, aforesaid, bounded northeasterly by the meadow of Joshua Budd northwesterly by meadow hereby allotted to the said Joseph Reeve all other ways by the Creek.
To the said Joseph Reeve a certain piece of woodland containing about nine acres be the same more or less bounded notherly by the sound, westwardly by the aforesaid woodland herein before allotted to the said Mary Reeve, southerly by land herein before allotted to the said Joseph Reeve, easterly by the woodland herein before allotted to the said Joshua Reeve also four acres of land with the House thereon standing be the same more or less as the same is bounded, that is to say, Beginning at a cherry tree standing near the aforesaid Crop Road and running along said road to the aforesad south road five chains and forty links, thence along said South Road to a certain cherry tree nine chains & fifty links, from thence to a stake or monument by us set up four chains & twenty one links from thence to the place of Beginning seven chains & sixty nine links also a piece of meadow at goose Creek aforesaid Bounded westerly by meadow hereby allotted to Jared Landon Esquire, southerly partly by the Creek & partly by the meadow herein before allotted to the said Mary Reeve northwardly by the upland & northeastwardly by the meadow of the aforesaid Joshua Budd, also a piece of meadow at the aforesaid Indian neck, bounded northerly partly by the land of the aforesaid Elijah Terry & partly by land hereby allotted to the said Ezra Woodhull southerly by the Creek & extending from a certain cart path that leads off of the land of the said Elijah Terry into the Creek on the southwest, to the meadow of the said Benjamin Davies on the north east.
To the said Ezra Woodhull a piece of land as the said Indian Neck bounded southerly & easterly by the meadow, northwardly by the land hereby before allotted to the said Joshua Reeve & Mary Reeve, westerly by the land of the said Elijah Terry. Also a piece of meadow at said Indian Neck, bounded southerly by the aforesaid Gutter, westerly by the meadow herein allotted to the said Mehitable Reeve, northwardly by the land of the said Benjamin Wells, easterly by a sound.
To the said Jared Landon Esquire a piece of Meadow at Goosecreek aforesaid bounded southerly by the meadow of his son Elijah Landon southeasterly by the Creek, north easterly by the madow herein before allotted to the aforesaid Joseph Reeve all other ways by the upland.
And we do also hereby allot & allow to the said Mary Reeve & Joseph Reeve a cart & drift way through Gates or Bars to pass & repass to & from the several pieces or parcels of woodland hereinbefore allotted to them thro the land herein before allotted to the said Joshua Reeve lying between the aforesaid north Road & the said pieces or parcels of Woodland and it is to be understood that the several pieces or parcels of land & meadow in this partition mentioned & described are bounded parted & divided by marked ticcs stakes or stones monuments by us erected as the ends of the several division lines whether the same hath been herein before mentioned or not. And we the said Jared Landon Daniel Osborn & Thomas Hutchinson commissioners as aforesaid in testimony of our having made the aforegoing partition, which is now submitted to the said Honorable court for their approbation, have hereunto set our hands & seals the eleaventh Day of December in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred & eighty seven.
Jared (LS) Landon. Daniel (LS) Osborn. Thomas (LS) Hutchinson

Suffolk County SS
Be it remembered that on the eighth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & eighty eight personally appeared before me Selah Strong Esquire Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in & for said County Jared Landon Esqr & Daniel Osborn two of the within mentioned commissioners and severally acknowledged the making & execution of the within Deed of Partition.
Selah Strong Judge

Suffolk County SS
At a Court of Common Pleas held at the County Hall and for the said County in the month of October on the Eighth Day of the said month in the year of our Lord 1788 & of our Independence the thirteenth

Selah Strong }
William Smith } Esquire Judges
John Hulbert }

Daniel Wells Stephen Jagger }
Isaac Overton & Thos Wickham } Justices assistant

A Report being the within instrument in writing of Jared Landon Daniel Osborn & Thomas Hutchinson Commissioners appointed by the Court in October Term 1787 to make partition of the land & real estate which belonged to Joshua Reeve of Southold deceased among the heirs and proprieters of the said land & real estate was presented to the court by the said commissioners and read, ordered that the same be approved and recorded.
I?. LHommedieu ??
Recorded this 14th of October 1788


Suffolk County, New York Partition Deed Book A, p35