Rockingham Co., NC - 1788 Deed, Heirs of Malachi Reeves to Nathaniel Tatum

1788 Deed - Heirs of Malachi Reeves to Nathaniel Tatum

Deed - Heirs of Malachi Reeves to Nathaniel Tatum

Rockingham County, North Carolina
Deed Book B, Page 10
28 May 1788


Reves, Thomas, and others     }
                    to                               }       Deed for 352 Acres Land
Tatum, Nathaniel                      }

THIS INDENTURE Made this twenty eighth day of May in the Year of Christ, One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty eight - Between Thomas Reeves, Jesse Reeves, and James Reeves Heirs of Malachiah Reeves Decd all of the County of Rockingham, and State of No Carolina of the one part and Nathaniel Tatum in the County and State aforesaid of the other part.

WITNESSETH that the Sd. Thomas Reves, Jesse Reeves, and James Reeves for and in consideration to them of the sum of one Hundred and Seventy six pounds Current Lawful money in hand paid, the Receipt hereof they both hereby Acknowledge and hereof acquit. Hath Given, granted, Bargaind, sold, Aliened Enfeoffed and Confirmed and do by these presents Give, grant, Bargain, sell and Confirm unto the Sd. Nathaniel Tatum his Heirs & Assigns, three hundred and fifty two Acres of Land, Being a piece, part or parcel of a tract of Land Granted unto the above named Malakiah Reeves Decd from the aforesaid State office for six hundred and Eighteen Acres as by a deed doth more fully and at large appear, “Bearing date, thirteenth day of November, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy nine” situate, Lying and being on both sides of Haw River in the County aforesaid, Beginning at a Stone John Rhodes corner, West along the Sd. Rhodes’s line six poles to Black oak North, through the survey along Rhodes’s line Ninety six poles to a Black oak sapling, East one Hundred and Fifty seven poles to a Black oak Sapling South along Peter Perkins Esqr line Seventy Eight poles to another Black oak sapling, East along of Perkins lines Crossing Reeves branch of Haw River sixty three poles to a white oak in Henry works line, South with the sd. line Crossing Haw River two Hundred and six poles to a Hickory William Williams Corner in Henry Works line and the Original Beginning, West along on Sd Williams line two Hundred and twelve poles to a poplar, and Black Oak, North Crossing the sd River again to the first Station -

Together, with all woods, waters Mines, Minerals Hereditaments and appurtenances to the Sd. Land belonging or appertaining to hold to the Sd. Nathaniel Tatum his Heirs or Assigns forever they yielding and paying such sums of Money yearly or otherwise as the General Assembly may from time to time Direct, and the Sd. Thomas Reeves, Jesse Reeves and James Reeves and their Heirs, the Sd. Tenement and premises and every part thereof against them and their Heirs and against all and every other person or persons, whatsoever laying Lawful Rights or Claim thereunto TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to the sd Nathaniel Tatum his Heirs or Assigns forever do warrant and defend by these presents in witness whereof We the sd Thomas Reeves, Jesse Reeves and James Reves hath hereunto set our Hands and Affixed our Seals in the Day and Year first above written.

Signd Sealed and Delivered                                                                       his
In the presence of                                                                         Thomas + Reeves (Seal)
Jas Malloy                                                                                                   mark
John Rhodes                                                                                  Jesse Reeves (Seal)
              his                                                                                                 his
William X Howlet                                                                         James X Reeves (Seal)
            mark                                                                                             mark


Rockingham County NC Deed Book B, Page 10, online scanned originals at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly , @TRP-GC and system .
Page last modified on Tuesday 30 of June, 2020 21:10:39 CDT by Beverly.