1790 Will - Sarah Reeve
Dated: 31 Dec 1790, Bocking, EssexProbated: Archbishop of Canterbury: Peculiar of Deanery of Bocking, 14 Jan 1791
This is the last Will and Testament of me Sarah Reeve of High Garrett in the Parish of Bocking in the County of Essex WidowFirst I Give and bequeath unto Mary Reeve Daughter of John Reeve of Bocking aforesaid Tallow Chandler the sum of one hundred Pounds of lawful money of Great Brittain and my small silver salver together with the several pieces of Furniture now standing in the respective Rooms of my dwelling House, that is to say, The Furniture of the room called the Korked Bedroom The Furniture of the Store room and all the Garretts
Also I give and bequeath unto Sarah Walford Wife of William Walford of Borcham in the said County of Essex Clerk the like sum of one hundred pounds my two Diamond Rings, and the Furniture in the Parlor called the best Parlor Also I Give and bequeath unto John Tweed of Bocking aforesaid Surgeon the like sum of one hundred Pounds, the Furniture in the Parler, called the little Parler and my chariot.
Also I give and bequeath unto Thomas Littel Tweed of Sandon in the County of Essex Gentleman the like sum of One hundred pounds and the furniture in the Room called the Green Room
Also I give and bequeath unto Robert Tweed of Chelmsford in the said County of Essex surgeon the like sum of one hundred pounds and the furniture now standing in the Hall
Also I give and bequeath unto my niece Frances Tweed spinster the like sum of one hundred pounds, my silver cup and Salt Cellars, and the Furniture in the Room called the keeping Room.
Also I give and bequeath unto Edward Barron the elder of Halsted in the said County of Essex Farmer the like sum of One hundred pounds, the Furniture in the Room called the Room of my late Husband Mr Reeve, (Except the Iron chest therein standing) and one half part or share of the furniture and implements in the Kitchen.
Also I give and bequeath unto Henry Bee Barron of Halsted aforesaid Farmer the sum of Two hundred Pounds of like lawful money, the Furniture in the Room called the striped Bedroom, and the other half part or share of the Furniture and implements in the Kitchen
Also I give and bequeath unto Sarah Simpson the wife of William Simpson of Newton in the County of Suffolk Farmer the furniture in the Rooms called the yellow Bed Rooms and the Pantry
Also I give and bequeath unto my servant Giddian Elsden the sum of Ten Pounds of like lawful money and the Bed and Chairs in the Room called the Maids sleeping Room
Also I give and bequeath the sum of Twenty pounds and my half pint silver mug unto Thomas Simpson son of William Simpson of Nowton aforesaid and to the said William Simpson the sum of Ten pounds
Also I give and bequeath unto Mercy Simpson of Nowton aforesaid Spinster my silver snuf Box To Hold the said several and respective lagacies unto the said Mary Reeve, Sarah Walford, John Tweed, Thomas Littel Tweed, Robert Tweed, Frances Tweed, Edward Barron, Henry Bee Barron, Sarah Simpson, Thomas Simpson, William Simpson, Mercy Simpson, Giddian Elsdon, and Sarah Tweed to and for his her and their own use and benefit.
Also I give and bequeath unto Michael Reeve of High Garrett aforesaid farmer all the brewing utensils now standing in the Brewhouse of my said dwelling house together with the Beer and casks in the cellar
As to for and concerning the farming stock and implements in Husbandry of which I have a right to dispose of and belonging to the Farm called Lyon's situate in the Parish of Bocking aforesaid my mind and will is and I do hereby order and direct my executors herein after named immediately after my decease to make an inventory and fair valuation of the same and when so valued to offer the said stock and implements in Husbandry unto the said Michael Reeve to be by him taken and paid for at such valuation but in case the said Michael Reeve should refuse to take the said farming stock and implements in Husbandry at such valuation as aforesaid Then my mind and will is and I do hereby order and direct my said executors from and immediately after such refusal to sell the same for the best price and prices that can be gotten and by and out of the money arising by such sale to apply the same in payment of the legacies hereinbefore and hereinafter by me given
Also I give and bequeath unto Philip Simpson of Halsted aforesaid Gentleman the sum of Forty pounds of like lawful money my two silver candlesticks also my pack of Hare Hounds and the Horse usually rode by the Huntsman To hold the same unto the said Philip Simpson to and for his own use and benefit and my mind and will is that if the said Philip Simpson should not remove the said hounds and horse from the kennel at Lyon's their usual place of being kept before the season of Hare hunting expires next after my decease then and in such case the expences attending the keeping such horse and hounds shall be paid by my executors by and out of my personal estate but if the said Philip Simpson should remove the said Horse and Hounds (which it shall be lawful for him to do) before the expiration of the hunting season as aforesaid then from and immediately after such removal all expences attending the keeping the said Horse and Hounds shall be paid and borne by the said Philip Simpson
Also I give and bequeath unto (blank) Thorogood Minister of the dissenting congregation at Bocking the sum of Fifty Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain
Also I give and bequeath unto John Tabor the elder of Bocking aforesaid Gentleman the sum of Forty Pounds like lawful money and to his son John Tabor the younger the sum of Twenty pounds
Also I give and bequeath unto Samuel Miles Complin of Bury Saint Edmunds in the County of Suffolk Linen draper John Reeve of Bocking Tallow Chandler Joseph Reeve son of Jonah Reeve of the same place Grocer and Nelly sterling the wife of John Sterling Watchmaker London the sum of twenty pounds a piece of like money and to Mary Reeve the wife of Jonathan Reeve of High Garrett aforesaid yeoman, my servants Peter Polly, and Peter Smith, I give and bequeath the sum of ten pounds apiece of like lawful money and to my servant Sarah Bush the sum of five pounds
Also I give devise and bequeath unto Edward Barron the younger son of the before named Edward Barron all that my moiety right share and interest of and in a certain messuage or tenement situate and being at Bocking aforesaid late in the tenure or occupation of Simon Lambert but now empty which said moiety or equal half part of and in the said messuage or tenement descended to me in and by the last Will and Testament of my relation Mr William Windall deceased To Hold the said moiety or equal half part of and in the said messuage or tenement unto the said Edward Barron the younger his heirs and assigns for ever
And as to for concerning the said several and respective peculiar legacies by me herein before given to the several and respective persons herein named my mind and will is that the same each and every of them shall paid payable in manner following, that is to say, the said legacies herein by me given amounting to the sum of one hundred pounds shall not be paid or payable until the expiration of twelve months after my decease but those under one hundred pounds to be paid and payable within six months after my decease and my mind and will is and I do hereby expressly declare that the before mentioned several bequests of my furniture to the several and respective persons hereinbefore named are hereby to be considered as bequests of the furniture only and not of the contents and different articles that may be found in the Drawers or wardrobes or elsewhere as my intention is that such articles shall go to my residuary legatees
And Whereas I have deposited in the hands of the said John Tabor the elder one of my executors herein after named a certain Box containing different articles of value Now I do hereby give and bequeath the said box with its contents and also all and every the fixtures of and belonging to the said House wherein I now dwell and also the furniture and fixtures of and belonging to the Farm House called Lyon's aforesaid unto Joseph Reeve son of the before named Michael Reeve to and for his own use and benefit
All the rest and residue and remainder of my monies goods chattles personal estate and effects whatsoever wheresoever (my just debts funeral expences and legacies being first paid and satisfied) I give and bequeath the same unto the before named Mary Reeve Spinster and Sarah Simpson equally to be divided between them share and share alike and I do hereby declare my mind and will to be, that in case after my just debts and funeral expences are paid and satisfied, my personal estate shall fall short or or not be sufficient for payment of the several sums and legacies hereby given or bequeathed, that what shall fall short shall be proportionably abated out of each legacy or sum hereby given or bequeathed
Lastly I do nominate and appoint the before named John Taber the elder and Philip Simpson executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former and other will or wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this to be last will and Testament
In witness whereof I have at the bottom of the four first sheets of this my will (the whole whereof is contained in five sheets of paper) made my mark and to this fifth and last sheet my mark and seal this thirty first day of December One thousand seven hundred and Ninety
The Mark of Sarah Reeve
Signed Sealed Published and declared }
by the said Sarah Reeve as and for her last }
Will and Testament in the presence of us }
who at her request and in her presence have }
subscribed our names as witnesses thereto }
Will Andrews of Sible Hedingham
Henry Gentry Junr } of High Garrett
Thos Smith Junr }
January 14th 1791
John Tabor the elder and Philip Simpson the Executors within named were sworn to the truth of this will and to the due performance thereof and that the whole of the goods chattels, and credits of the Deceased will not amount in value to the sum of two thousand pounds before me N Wakeham, Dean of Bocking
The testatrix was late of the Parish of Bocking in the County of Essex and died this present month of January