Mason County - Order Book B
Mason County, Kentucky
Order Book B, 1794-1797
FHL Film #0281832, part 3
28 Oct 1794
pp. 14-15
“Meredith Helm Abner Overfield Benjamin Reeves and William White or any three of them being first Sworn are appointed to View a way proposed for a Road from where Thos Marshall is about building to Washington and make report of the conveniences and inconveniences attending Opening the same”
25 Nov 1794
p. 19, At the laying of the levy in an accounting of sums owed, Samuel Reeves is listed as one of the men to be paid £0.12.6 for one old wolf head, which he had presented in 1792
27 Jan 1795
p. 44, “Indenture of Bargain and Sale from Wm McKee to William McKee was proved by the Oaths of Asa Reeve J(?) Wilson & Eli Reeve Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded.”
26 May 1795
pp. 84-5,
“Last will and Testament of Benjamin Reeves Deceased was presented in Court by Austin Reeves & Sybol Reeves Executors therein named and proved by the Oaths of the witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded Sworn to by the Executors therein named who together with Meredith Helm Robert Taylor & Samuel Reeves their Securities entered into & acknowledged bond in penalty of £2000 Conditioned as the Law directs & on motion of the said Executors Certificate is granted them for Obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
“Wm March John Pedicord Abner Overfield & John Taylor or any three of them being first Sworn are Appointed to Appraise in Current money the personal Estate & Slave if any of Benjn Reeves Decd and make report to the next Court.”
p. 87,
“Samuel Wilson Richard Tenant William Reeves and Nathanl Hixon or any three of them being first Sworn are appointed to View a way proposed for a road from Thomas Longleys to Owen Davis Saw mill to run on the line between sd Longleys and Duncans Land and from thence to intersect the road reviewed from the Lower blue Lick road to the uper blue Lick Road by Hugh Fultons also from sd Road to the uper blue Lick road and also from the said mill to the Meeting house at Saml Wilsons and make report of the Conveniences attending Opening the same”
28 July 1795
p. 114, “Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Benjamin Reeves Decd was Returned and Ordered to be Recorded.”
26 Jan 1796
pp. 188-9,
“Report of the way for a road from the Clerks Office to Washington returned as follows (to wit) to begin on the branch above Thomas Marshalls Spring branch thence up the branch to a Corner between Reevs and Cons Land in Maxwells preemption line then with the line between Reevs and Cons Land to the run then down the run between Austin & Samuel Reeves to Whites line then with Whites line or near and we do hereby Certify that a good (road) may be had and will be a very convenient way for a large Settlement (with) little or no Injury to any Individual Given under our hands this 26th of Jany 1796 and all the parties being in Court & agreeing to the same it is Established Accordingly and John Taylor appointed Overseer of Same and all the hands One mile Each side of said road are Ordered to work under him thereon”
22 Mar 1796
p. 211, “Indenture of bargain and Sale from Elijah Reeves to Roberts Allen was Acknowledged by Said Elijah Reeves & Ordered to be Recorded.”
24 May 1796
p. 249, “Stephen White Jonathan Conn Samuel Reeves and John Dye or any three of them being first sworn are appointed to View a way proposed for a Road from Clarks mill the nearest and best way to Intersect Marshalls Road and make report of the conveniences and inconveniences attending Opening the Same”
25 May 1796
p. 257, “Indenture of bargain and Sale from John Bigger to Stephen White was proved by the Oaths of Andrew Henderson Benjamin Reeves & Austin Smith Reeves Witnesses thereto & Ordered to be Recorded”
23 Aug 1796
p. 312, “John Oliver James Henderson Asa Reeves and Elijah Reeves or any three of them being first Sworn are Appointed to View a way proposed for a road from the mouth of Fleming to the most convenient place to Intersect the road from Kinkades to the Lower blue Lick and make report of the conveniences and iconveniences attending Opening the Same”
27 Dec 1796
p. 377, “Indenture of bargain and Sale from John Bigger to Austin Smith Reeves was proved by the Oaths of Stephen White Andrew Henderson and Edward Harris witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded.”
Transcribed by Lois Downey.