1798 Land Grant - Daniel Reeves

1798 NC Land Grant - Daniel Reeves

North Carolina Land Grant - Daniel Reeves


August 10th 1798

State of North Carolina Grant No. 347 To all to Whom these presents shall come Greeting
Know ye that we pursuant to an Act of our Gen’l Assembly entitled an Act for the Relief of the Officers & Soldiers of the Cont’l Line & in consideration of the Services of Martin Armstrong Surveyor &c have given and granted and by these Presents do give and grant unto the s’d Daniel Reaves assee of s’d Armstrong a tract of land containing fifty acres by ing and being in our county of Davidson on the South Side of Cumberland River on Pond creek Joining a survey of William Smith of 200 acres Beginning at a W: Oak on s’d Smiths Line Runing West One hundred poles to a hickory and Dogwood thence South Eighty poles to a Dogwood then East One hundred poles to a stake thence North Eighty poles to the Beginning, With all Woods Waters mines minerals hereditaments & appurtenances to the s’d Land belonging or Appertaining to hold to the s’d Daniel Reaves his heirs and assigns forever Which Land was surveyed for the s’d Reaves August 6th 1796 by Thomas Hickman D.C. in consequence of the ofs’d Service Right Entered Ap’l 12th 1796 The grant signed Sam’l Ashe With seal of the state affixed Dated March 1st 1797 countersigned J. Glasgow, Secy.


Davidson County, Tennessee Deed Book D p.448