1800 Will - James Reeves

1800 Will - James Reeves

1800 Will - James Reeves


Salem County, New Jersey
Will Records 2438Q
10 Nov 1800


I James Reeve of the Township of Upper Alloway Creek in the County of Salem and State of New Jersey Being sick, and week of Body, but of sound and perfect mind and Memory, thank be given to God therefore. And calling to mind the mortality of my Body, and uncertainty of time, and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, and as for my Body I recommend it unto the Earth, to be Buried in a Christian manner at the direction of my executors hereafter named, and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased the Lord to Bless me within this life, I give and dispose of in the following manner and form viz
Imprimis it is my will that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid & discharged by my executors
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my well beloved wife Rachel Reeve twenty five pounds in cash, also a saddle, Bridle and her choice of my Horses
Item I give and Bequeath unto my beloved son Stephen Reeves my share of the Frist Mill and Plantation I now live with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto Belonging situate in the township and County aforesaid, adjoining lands of Ephraim Bee, William Walker and John Konn and others, all which mill, land and the appurtenances aforesd I give, devise, and Bequeath unto my aforesaid son Stephen Reeves to him his heirs and assigns forever.
Item I Give, devise and Bequeath unto my Beloved son William Reeve all that tract or piece of land which I bought of Thomas Sayre and Jacob Guant as executors of the last will & Testament of John Holme Esqr Decd situate in the Township and County aforesaid adjoining lands of Frederick Ramstrand? others, containing twenty acres. Also that plantation or tract of land I bought at Sheriffs sale formerly the property of John Hurly of the County aforesaid and convey'd to me by John Tuft high sheriff of the said County in a Deed dated the nineteenth day of June Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred ninety-nine situate in the Township and County aforesaid adjoining lands of William Noblit John Holem Esq & others containing one hundred and forty acres All the aforesaid lands with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, I give and devise and Bequeath unto my aforesaid son William Reeve, and his heirs and assigns forever
Item I give, devise and Bequeath unto my Beloved daughter Rachel Allen wife of Isaac Allen the sum of seventy five pounds amount of the two bonds that I now hold against the said Isaac Allen, which after my decease is to be of no force nor virtue
Item I Give, Devise and Bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Sarah Reeve the sum of one hundred pounds Gold or silver money to be paid to her when she arives to the age of eighteen years, by my executors and in case she should die before she arives to the age of eighteen years, or without lawfull issue of her body then her share to be equally divided between her surviving sisters or sister.
Item I give, devise and Bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Elizabeth Reeve the sum of one hundred pounds in Gold or silver money to be paid to her by my executors when she arives to the age of eighteen years and in case she should die before she arives to the age of eighteen years, or without lawfull isue of her Body, then her share to be equally divided between the surviving sister or sisters. The two last legacies which I give to my two Daughters Sarah and Elizabeth to be put out to Interest, or if my executors keep said legacies in their hands, they are to pay lawfull interest for the same.
Item It is my will that when my son William Reeve arives to the full age of twenty one years, that my executors (if they think most proper and most beneficial to my two sons William and Stephen Reeves) to sell all my said land property in the County of Cumberland, and County of Salem that is not before mentioned in the will, which may be found by my Deeds of Inture.
Item it is my will that if after the aforesaid legacies are paid out and there is any reversion, then such reversion to be equally divided between my two sons Stephen and William Reeve, and in case either of my two sons should die before they arive to the age of twenty one years, or without lawful isue, then and in such care his share to go to the surviving brother.
And Lastly I do hereby make, ordain, constitute and appoint my well beloved wife Rachel Reeves executrix, and my beloved son Stephen Reeves executor, of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills and testaments by me made in anywise allowing this to be my Last Will and Testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this tenth day of November Anno Domini One Thousand eight hundred 1800
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced }James Reeves
and delivered by the said James Reeves to be }
his last Will & Testament in the presence of }
John Wood
Stepn Willis Jr
Saml Ray

Samuel Ray and Stephen Willis two of the witnesses of the within will upon their respective solemn affirmations duly administered say they saw James Reeve the testator in said will named sign and seal the same and heard him publish and declare the within writing to be her last Will and Testament at the doing thereof and testator was of sound disposing mind and memory as these deponents verily believe and that John Wood the other subscribing witness was present at the same time and signed her name as a witness of said will together with these affirmants in presence of said testator.
Affirmed at Salem on the twentySamuel Ray
first day of March 1801 before meStepn Willis
Sam Vick Surrogate


FamilySearch - Salem County, New Jersey Will Records 2438Q