Will of Courtney Reeves
Will of Courtney Reeves
Hancock County, Georgia
Will Book C, p. 150-151
In the Name of God Amen I Cortney Reeves of Hancock County and State of Georgia being in and of perfect Sence an Sound Memory do make this my Last will and Testament in manner & form Following viz that first my will is that all my Just debts be paid and Discharged and my Body decently Buryd at the Decency (sic?) of my Executors as will be hereafter Named.
First I Give and Bequeath to my son John Reid one large looking Glass one small pewter dish one Large pewter Bason and two pewter plates Secondly I Give my Abner Reid (sic) one feather bed Bdsted one Sheet and Cadders one Small Iron pot one pewter Dish a pewter Bason and two pewter plates Thirdly I Give my Daughter Fanny Reid one feather Bed one flase (?) wheel one woolen wheel one haekkle one frying pan one pewter Dish one pewter Bason and two pewter plates forthly I Give to my son James Reid one feather Bed two pewter Dishes two pewter Basons one Large Iron pot one Duck (sic?) oven and hooks and pot Rack five year old hogs one qt Stealyards water vessels and may (? many) other articles too tedious to Mention which is all the Remaining part of my property a continuation of the will within Further I do Nominate and appoint James Reid and Shadrick Roe my sole trustees and Executors to this my last will and Testament Revoking and Dismissing all other wills before by me made and no other but this to be my last will and testament witness whereof I have set my hand and afixed my seal this third Day of January one Thousand eight hundred & five
Signd Seald }
And published } her
In the presents } Cortney X Reives (Seal)
of Samuel T. }
Harris }
Asa Hearn }
Joel Holcom }
The appraise Registered on page 196
Saturday, 16th March 1805 proven in open Court by the oath of Samuel Harris and Asa Hearn -
Alex Martin for
Myles Greene Clk