1806 Will - John Reeves
Cumberland County, New JerseyWill Book A, p264
(Original in Cumberland Will Records 1547F)
24 May 1806
In the name of God Amen I John Reeves of the township of Hopewell County of Cumberland and State of New Jersey, Being perfect in mind & memory, blessed be God for it but calling to mind the frailty of nature and that it is appointed for all mankind once to die, I do make this my last Will & Testament, that is to say First I give my soul to God that gave it me, & my body to a decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executrix, and touching those worldly things which it hath pleased God to bless me with I give & bequeath in the following manner, viz.I give & bequeath to my son Cornelius Reeves his heirs & assigns forever all that lot of marsh which my father Thomas Reeves bequeathed to me in the body of marsh called Browns wild marsh.
I give to my two Daughters Hannah and Ruth four silver dollars a piece
I give to my son David Reeves all the moveable property and upland my father bequeaths to me
I give to my son John Reeves all the lot of land on which I now live bouding on Jeremiah Panin Henry Shriner and others, likewise all my drained meadow lying in that body calld Holmes meadows, all witch I give to him and his heirs forever.
As to my moveable estate after my just debts are paid I give & bequeath to my loving & tender wife Martha together with all the use, profits, privaledges of the aforesaid lands without any reverse or contract, during her natural life to anable her to take care of my Daughter Mary who has been for some time afflicted with fits should Mary survive her mother it is my will that she should by this land be supported except her fits should leave her & her reason not hurt then tis my will that the land should be releast from that incumbrance and that Mary shall have one cow one bed & bedding one table six cheers should my son John die leaving no son lawfully begoten it is my will that my son David should be his heir, if David should die leaving no son lawfully begoten it is my will that Corneliuses eldest son should heir this land forever.
And I do leave my wife Martha sole executrix of this my last will & Testament, and I do by these presents make void all former wills confirming this & this only to be my last will & Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 24 of May one thousand eight hundred and six; 1806.
John Reeves (LS)
In the presence of use
Ebenezer Harris
Noah Harris
Joel Bereman
Martha Reeves the executrix in the above testament named being duly sworn did depose & say that the above instrument contains the true last will & Testament of John Reeves the testator therein named so far as she knows and as she verily believes; that she will well & truly perform the same by first paying the debts of the said Decd & then the legacies in the said Testament specified....
Sworn at BridgetownMartha Reeves
Sept 10 1811 before
me Ebenr Elmer Surogate